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Positively Safe: Addressing the Intersection of DV and HIV/AIDS Toolkit


October 2019

This toolkit aims to provide domestic violence and HIV/AIDS service providers with information and resources to enhance services for persons exposed to HIV/AIDS and domestic violence. The information provided here addresses frequently asked questions, common challenges, best practices, templates for adaptation, and resources for additional information and assistance. Several resources support building collaborative partnerships and cross training efforts between the domestic violence and HIV/AIDS fields. Strong, collaborative relationships are important for ensuring quality services for domestic violence survivors who may be at risk for or living with HIV/AIDS. Questions? Contact us for additional assistance.

Notes on Toolkit Resource Language Use:

  • Intimate Partner Violence: Or IPV, is another term used for Domestic Violence, often used in the medical field, and describes a relationship in which an act or pattern of acts is used by a person to gain or maintain control, harm, threaten, intimidate, harass, coerce, control, isolate, restrain, or monitor another person in a current or former intimate relationship or a social relationship.
  • Survivor/Victim: These terms are used interchangeably to refer to a person who is currently or was formerly in an abusive relationship as a way to recognize the unique challenges an individual faces while still in a relationship as well as their experience in fleeing and healing from an abusive relationship.
  • Gendered pronoun use: Because domestic violence is not a strictly heteronormative trend, meaning that all genders can perpetuate and become victim to domestic violence, we have made a conscious effort to use gender-neutral pronouns in many of our materials. However, in recognition that 85% of victims of domestic violence are female, there are some instances where gendered pronouns are used.

Fact Sheets:

  • Download Fact Sheet about HIV and Domestic Violence

Download Hoja informativa sobre el VIH / SIDA y la violencia doméstica

Download 팩트 시트: HIV와 가정 폭력

Download Fiche d’information sur le VIH et la violence domestique

Download حقائق عن فیروس نقص المناعة البشریة والعنف الأسري

  • Download Fact Sheet about Domestic Violence

Download Hoja informativa sobre la violencia doméstica

Download 팩트 시트: 가정 폭력

Download Fiche d’information sur la violence domestique

Download حقائق عن العنف الأسري

Download Hoja informativa sobre el VIH

Download 팩트 시트: HIV

Download Fiche d’information sur le VIH

Download حقائق عن فیروس نقص المناعة البشریة

  • Download Tips for Having an Informed Conversation about Domestic Violence & HIV
  • Download Health Equity in the Intersection

Download Equidad sanitaria en la intersección

Download Équité en santé à l’intersectionnalité

  • Download Reproductive Coercion and the Impact on Survivors of Domestic Violence

Download La coerción reproductiva y el impacto sobre las personas sobrevivientes de la violencia doméstica

Download 생식 강요 및 생식 강요가 가정 폭력 생존자에게 미치는 영향

Download La coercition reproductive et son impact sur les rescapé.es de la violence domestique

Download الإكراه في النواحي الإنجابیة وأثره على الناجین من العنف الأسري

  • Download Getting Started: Tips for Domestic Violence Service Providers

Download Los primeros pasos: Consejos para los proveedores de servicios contra la violencia doméstica

Download Bien se préparer : Conseils destinés aux prestataires de services de lutte contre la violence domestique

  • Download Getting Started Tips for HIV/AIDS Providers

Download Primeros pasos: Consejos para proveedores de servicios de VIH/SIDA

Download Bien se préparer : Conseils destinés aux prestataires de services de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA

  • Download Linkage to and Retention in Care for Survivors Living with HIV/AIDS
  • Download U=U or Treatment as Prevention

Download U=U o tratamiento como prevención

Download U=U ou le traitement comme prévention


Download Plan de acción para la colaboración

Download 협업행동계획

Download Plan d’action collaborative

Download خطة عمل تعاونیة


Download Asociaciones Exitosas

Download 성공적인 파트너십

Download Des partenariats réussis

Download الشراكات الناجحة

  • Download Conversation Guide: Starting the Discussion about Domestic Violence

Download Guía de conversación: iniciar un diálogo acerca de la violencia doméstica

Download Guide de conversation : Entamer une discussion sur la violence domestique

  • Download Conversation Guide: Starting the Discussion about HIV/AIDS

Download Guía de conversación: inicio de una conversación sobre el VIH / SIDA

  • Download Domestic Violence Resource Guide

Download Guía de recursos sobre el VIH / SIDA

Download Guide de ressources d’information sur le VIH/SIDA

Download Rueda de poder y control del VIH

Download HIV 권력 과 통제의 바퀴

Download La puissance et le contrôle du VIH

  • Download Starting the Conversation with HIV Advocates on Domestic Violence
  • Download Supporting Survivors Accessing HIV Care

Download Apoyo a las personas sobrevivientes que tienen acceso a la atención médica para el VIH

Download Aider les rescapé.es à accéder aud soins VIH

  • Download Partnering with Your Local Health Department
  • Download Equitable Sexual Practices & Survivors
  • Download Best Practices in Program Policies for Domestic Violence Programs

Download Mejores prácticas en las políticas de los programas de violencia doméstica

  • Download Social Determinants of Health & Survivors
  • Download Universal (Standard) Precautions

Download Precauciones Universales Estándar


  • Download 17 Things You Can Do To Make a Difference for Survivors Living with HIV
  • Download Healing from Trauma for Survivors Living with HIV
  • Download HIV Testing & DV Advocates: Interview with Kelly Henry (Sojourner House)
  • Download Laws Impacting Individuals Living with HIV
  • Download Linkage to and Retention in Care for People Living with HIV/AIDS

Download Medicamentos y las personas sobrevivientes

Download 약물과 생존자

Download Médicaments et rescapé.es

Download الأدویة والناجون

  • Download Online Privacy for Survivors Living with HIV
  • Download Preventing Staff Burnout to Help Survivors Heal
  • Download Privacy, Domestic Violence, and HIV: A Guide for Advocates
  • Download What Health Care Providers Should Know about The Intersection of HIV, Domestic Violence, Confidentiality & Tech

Outreach Materials:

  • Download Health & Safety for All Survivors (brochure)

Download Salud y seguridad para todos los sobrevivientes (folleto)

Download PrEPárate (tarjeta postal)

Download PREP 하자! (엽서)

Download PRÊT.ES pour la PREP (carte postale)

Download احصل على الوقاية قبل التعرض (بطاقة بريدية)

Download 안전을 위한 PrEP

Download PrEP pour votre sécurité

Download الوقاية السابقة للتعرض من أجل الأمان

  • Download Prep Yourself for Safety (postcard)

Download Por tu seguridad, PrEP

Download La PrEP vous prépare à la sécurité

  • Download What Is Domestic Violence? (brochure)

Download ¿Qué es el VIH?