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DV & Economic Justice

  • Economic Justice

    NNEDV’s Economic Justice Project works to strengthen victim advocates’ financial capabilities to better assist survivors of domestic violence move from short-term safety to long-term security, and to an economically sustainable independent life.

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  • Economic Justice Policy

    Image of U.S. dollars

    Personal safety and economic security are inextricably linked for victims of domestic violence. When survivors of domestic violence have stable access to resources that help them build economic resiliency, they and their families are much more likely to remain safe and secure.

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  • Impact of the Economy on DV

    no more financial abuse

    Although an economic downturn itself does not cause domestic violence, it can exacerbate the factors
    that contribute to domestic violence and reduce victims’ ability to flee. Learn more about the impact of the economy on domestic violence from this factsheet.

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  • Financial Safety Planning

    Image of U.S. dollars

    Remember to include financial considerations in your safety plan! Keep these topics in mind around financial safety planning.

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  • Financial Tips for Survivors

    no more financial abuse

    Six tips for domestic violence victims and survivors that are seeking to secure their financial future.

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  • About Financial Abuse

    Image of U.S. dollars

    Learn more about financial abuse.

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  • Independence Project

    Through the Independence Project, advocates and local domestic violence programs across the nation can support survivors of domestic violence in improving their credit scores through microlending.

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