What's New
Spread Awareness this October
September 30, 2014September 30, 2014 – The temperature is cooling off, the leaves are beginning to change, and NNEDV’s office is covered in purple – which can only mean one thing: Domestic Violence Awareness Month is almost here!
Congress should drive #HowIHelped
September 24, 2014September 24, 2014 – Last week, as #WhyIStayed was trending on Twitter, we were reminded of the barriers that millions of domestic violence victims face every year. The challenge is that for too many women and children, #WhyIStayed is only a moment in popular culture. What happens when that moment passes?
NNEDV Urges NFL Commissioner Goodell to Deliver on His Pledge to “Get it Right”
September 19, 2014September 19, 2014 – In a press conference today, Commissioner Roger Goodell reiterated the need for the NFL to “get it right” and work to shift how society responds to domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse. More can and should be done.
NNEDV, DOL Host Webinar on Domestic Violence in the Workplace
September 18, 2014September 18, 2014 – Last week, the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV), the Women’s Bureau and the Employment and Training Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) convened a webinar to address intimate partner violence at work.
Behind Elevator Doors – It’s Time for All Men to Stand Up Against Domestic Violence
September 11, 2014September 11, 2014 – Behind closed doors. Even elevator doors. That’s where domestic violence usually occurs. We are disturbed by its aftermath—the bruising, black eyes, broken bones—but not enough to take real action as a team, a league, or even a nation.
The Annual ‘Domestic Violence Counts’ Census Starts TODAY!
September 10, 2014September 10, 2014 – Today, NNEDV is working in partnership with all 56 state and territory coalitions to conduct an unduplicated count of adults and children who seek services from U.S. domestic violence shelter programs during a single 24-hour survey period.
Thwarting Tech-savvy Abusers and Empowering Survivors of Violence through Technology in Australia
September 8, 2014September 8, 2014 – National Network Launches Innovative Program Harnessing Technology to End Domestic Violence in Australia
NNEDV Applauds NFL’s New Plan to Address Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault
August 28, 2014August 28, 2014 – The National Network to End Domestic Violence applauds and welcomes the newly released NFL action plan to address domestic violence and sexual assault.
NNEDV Partners with Local Chefs and Foodies to Celebrate VAWA
August 26, 2014August 26, 2014 – On October 9th, Chefs Take a Stand will return to our nation’s capital! NNEDV is once again partnering with some of DC’s finest women chefs and mixologists to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).
NNEDV’s Positively Safe Program Launches a NEW Resource Toolkit
August 18, 2014August 18, 2014 – NNEDV’s Positively Safe Program is proud to announce the launch of a NEW Resource Toolkit designed to provide educational resources and tools to address the intersection of HIV/AIDS and domestic violence.
Institutions That Minimize Abuse Share the Blame
August 4, 2014August 4, 2014 – It’s time for our institutions to scrap their crisis communication plans when it comes to violence against women, and replace them with real plans to protect victims and hold perpetrators accountable.
NNEDV Honors the Legacy of James S. Brady
August 4, 2014 – NNEDV honors James Brady’s passionate campaign to protect all of us from the horror of gun violence.
NNEDV Welcomes Senate Judiciary Hearing on Role of Guns in Domestic Violence Homicides
July 30, 2014July 30, 2014 – “This hearing will shine a light on the reality of gun violence – something that survivors of domestic abuse know all too well,” said Kim Gandy.
Tech Companies Join Advocates to Increase Online Safety for Victims of Violence
July 28, 2014July 28, 2014 – For a woman escaping a domestic abuser, leaving a digital trail can compromise her safety and lead the perpetrator to her door. But in the age of smartphones and social media, going “offline” is not only impossible, it also further isolates survivors from the support of friends and loved ones.
NNEDV Honors and Celebrates the Legacy of Tillie Black Bear
July 25, 2014July 25, 2014 – NNEDV joins friends and colleagues across the nations in honoring and celebrating the life of Tillie Black Bear.
NNEDV & The Allstate Foundation Celebrate 10 Years of Economic Empowerment Programs for Survivors
July 22, 2014July 22, 2014 – NNEDV is excited to join with The Allstate Foundation to host 168 participants from across the country, including advocates, allies and Allstate agents, in Washington DC this week for the annual Financial Empowerment Symposium and to celebrate 10 years of this unique partnership providing trainings and grants that support economic justice and empowerment programs for survivors of abuse.
Voices Have Power
July 17, 2014July 17, 2014 – The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) believes in the power of a voice. Now through August 7th, if you use your voice to share a Message of Hope tagged with #VoicesHavePower, Verizon Wireless HopeLine will donate $3 to end domestic & dating violence.
Celebrating Safety on the Fourth of July
July 3, 2014July 3, 2014 – Independence Day is a day of celebration – a day to fire up the grill, lounge by the pool, eat watermelon, and watch the firework display. It is also a time to remember and honor our nation’s belief that every individual has a right to be free. To feel safe and protected.
DV Organizations Urge Immigration Reform
July 2, 2014July 2, 2014 – NNEDV is proud to join with over 300 national, state, and local organizations committed to ending domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking to urge the US House of Representatives to move forward with passage of an immigration reform bill.
NNEDV Applauds Target’s Sensible Community Safety Policy
July 2, 2014 – Today, Target announced a new policy requesting that customers not carry firearms into any Target stores, even in communities that have “open carry” laws. NNEDV applauds this stance against gun violence and effort to promote safety in both workplaces and communities across the country.
Hobby Lobby Decision Step Backward for Women’s Autonomy
June 30, 2014June 30, 2014 – Today’s Supreme Court’s decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby is a step backward for women’s health and reproductive rights, and also for their fundamental autonomy.
On June 27th, Know Your Status
June 26, 2014June 26, 2014 – Take control of your health by knowing your HIV status on June 27th – National HIV Testing Day.
Standing with Pride for All Survivors
June 25, 2014June 25, 2014 – As this year’s Pride month* comes to a close, NNEDV is proud of our work to ensure that the 2013 reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) included protections for LGBT individuals.
Recent headlines make us wonder: Is it 1954 or 2014?
June 24, 2014June 24, 2014 – Stop blaming victims. Start holding perpetrators accountable. Join us by tweeting your #1954or2014 stories.
Advocates Raise their Voices in Support of Survivors during Advocacy Day
June 17, 2014June 17, 2014 – Be a voice. This powerful phrase set the tone for this year’s Advocacy Day Conference, a two-day event held in in Washington, DC by the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) earlier this month.
Celebrate Your Dad by Supporting NNEDV
June 15, 2014June 15, 2014 – This Father’s Day, NNEDV recognizes the impact our fathers and father figures have had on our lives and thank them for all that they’ve given us.
June is Workplace Safety Month
June 13, 2014June 13, 2014 – While many of us may not have the ability to change policy and procedures at our place of employment, we can each play a critical role in making our work environment safer. This month, Workplace Safety Month, may give you just the opening you need.
Senate Bill Would Ban Stalking Apps and Save Women’s Lives
June 4, 2014June 4, 2014 – The Location Privacy Protection Act of 2014 promotes safety for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking by introducing common-sense technology regulations.
Eat & Drink for a Cause
June 2, 2014June 2, 2014 – Mix up your usual Thursday night and join NNEDV for Happy Hour on June 5, 2014 at the legendary Madam’s Organ Blues Bar in Washington, DC!
In Case You Missed It: Why You Should Care About #YesAllWomen
May 28, 2014May 28, 2014 – On Twitter over the weekend an amazing thing happened: in response to a hate-fueled crime perpetrated by a young man in Southern California, women and men began sharing the ways that they experienced sexism and violence using the hashtag #YesAllWomen.
NNEDV Recognizes National Women’s Health Week
May 12, 2014May 12, 2014 – This week-long, nationwide health care initiative is dedicated to mobilizing and empowering women and girls across the country to make their mental and physical health a priority.
Honor Your Mom This Weekend by Supporting NNEDV
May 9, 2014May 9, 2014 – Each year on Mother’s Day, we honor our mothers and mother figures in a variety of ways, often acknowledging the impact they’ve had in our lives and thanking them for all that they’ve given us.
Law Day Recognizes Important Role of Laws in Securing Safety and Freedom
April 29, 2014April 29, 2014 – At NNEDV, we see the critical impact that laws have in securing safety and freedom for survivors of domestic violence.
Technology Abuse: Experiences of Survivors and Victim Service Agencies
April 29, 2014 – The newest infographics produced by the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) show how technology is being misused by abusers against survivors, in addition to how victim service agencies are using technology in order to help survivors.
NNEDV hosts Voluntary Services Training for OVW Transitional Housing Grantees
April 25, 2014April 25, 2014 – Last month the transitional housing team at NNEDV hosted and presented, along with other national presenters and local programs as panelists, a Voluntary Services Training in Washington, DC for Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) Transitional Housing Grantees.
Why Coalitions are Critical to Ending Domestic Violence
April 17, 2014April 17, 2014 – State and territorial coalitions have played a unique role in our nation’s response to domestic violence. Their history is rooted in the battered women’s movement and the values that define this movement, including working towards social justice, self-determination, and ending the oppression of women.
Second Annual Technology Summit Registration Now Open!
April 15, 2014April 15, 2014 – This unique 3-day training will focus on the various complex issues and concerns that come from the intersection of technology and domestic & sexual violence, stalking, and trafficking.
Equal Pay Stalled in the Senate
April 9, 2014April 9, 2014 – Today, the Senate failed to move forward on the Paycheck Fairness Act, which would have required employers to demonstrate that pay differences between men and women are based on legitimate business reasons, and not based on sex.
On Equal Pay Day, Help Survivors Achieve Safety and Independence
April 7, 2014April 7, 2014 – For survivors of domestic violence, personal safety is closely linked to economic stability. In fact, the inability to support themselves and their children is one of the top reasons survivors stay in or return to an abusive relationship.
Join NNEDV & the Allstate Foundation as we say ‘No More’ to Financial Abuse this April
April 4, 2014April 4, 2014 – Each year, millions of Americans are affected by domestic violence and nearly all (98%) are also affected by financial abuse, a tactic used by abusers to gain power and control over their partners by limiting access to assets or concealing information about family finances.
National Crime Victims’ Rights Week Celebrates 30 Years of Progress
April 2, 2014April 2, 2014 – NNEDV recognizes April 6-12, 2014 as National Crime Victims’ Rights Week.
Updates and Improvements from WomensLaw
April 2, 2014 – In the past few months WomensLaw has made valuable updates and substantial improvements to the WomensLaw.org website — all while continuing to answer the Email Hotline — for our more than 1.1 million annual visitors. In addition, WomensLaw was invited to conduct an in-person training for more than 30 victim advocates in Connecticut. […]
Join Us as We Say No More to Sexual Assault this April
April 1, 2014April 1, 2014 – NNEDV recognizes the month of April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM).
Supreme Court Keeps Guns Away from Domestic Violence Abusers
March 26, 2014March 26, 2014 – “Victims of domestic violence and their advocates are breathing easier today, since the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that convicted domestic violence abusers will be prohibited from possessing firearms,” says Kim Gandy.
IRS Announces New Guidance that Will Help Victims Access Affordable Healthcare
March 26, 2014 – Today, the IRS and the Treasury Department announced new guidance that exempts domestic violence victims from the requirement that married couples must file their taxes jointly in order to receive the premium tax credit under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Groups Hold “Not My Boss’s Business” Rally for Women’s Health and Rights at Supreme Court
March 25, 2014March 25, 2014 – NNEDV Supports Birth Control Coverage for Employees
It’s Time to Inspire Change to End Domestic Violence in honor of International Women’s Day
March 8, 2014March 8, 2014 – Since 1911, March 8 has been recognized as International Women’s Day, a day to mark the economic, political, and social achievements of women.
Progress Marked on One Year Anniversary of 2013 Violence Against Women Act
March 7, 2014March 7, 2014 – One year ago today, President Obama signed the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA) of 2013, increasing avenues to safety and justice for victims of violence.
Nationwide Survey Reveals Urgent Need for Increased Funding for Domestic Violence Service Providers
March 6, 2014March 6, 2014 – Nearly 66,000 Domestic Violence Victims Helped On a Single Day, But Almost 10,000 Requests for Help Go Unanswered
2015 President’s Budget Restores & Increases Resources for Victims
March 4, 2014March 4, 2014 – But Funding is Not Keeping Pace with Inflation or Demand for Services
NNEDV Supports Empowering Survivors through Innovation
March 4, 2014 – NNEDV applauds innovations that are meant to empower survivors of abuse and provide them with tools to help maintain their safety. The Lifesaver Case is a unique product that may offer that.
New Report Highlights Devastating Impact of Domestic Violence
February 26, 2014February 26, 2014 – Economic Barriers Associated with Victimization; Service Needs Not Always Met
Too Many Domestic Violence Homicide Victims
February 24, 2014February 24, 2014 – An average of three women are killed by a current or former abusive partner every single day in the United States. And when abusers have access to firearms, the risk of intimate partner homicide increases by 500%.
Calling All Readers!
February 21, 2014February 21, 2014 – The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) book club, Reader with a Cause, provides a platform to discuss equality, empowerment, and violence against women as it appears in contemporary books.
NNEDV Observes National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
February 9, 2014February 9, 2014 – NNEDV joined our sisters at the Black Women’s Health Imperative on a Twitter chat in observance of National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day to explore complex questions about HIV/AIDS and the impact of HIV among Black women and girls.
NNEDV Launches Transitional Housing Online Toolkit
February 4, 2014February 4, 2014 – NNEDV is proud to formally launch the new Transitional Housing Toolkit, an online resource library for transitional housing programs serving survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking throughout the country. This online toolkit allows transitional housing programs to easily and independently access a wealth of resources and ensures that they have the information needed to enhance their important work with survivors.
NNEDV Encourages Talking about Dating Violence this February
February 1, 2014February 1, 2014 – NNEDV is recognizing February as Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. With active participation, discussion, education, and action we can all raise awareness and promote safety for the teens and young adults we care about.
Celebrate Data Privacy Day by Protecting Your Privacy in 10 Easy Steps
January 27, 2014January 27, 2014 – January 28 is Data Privacy Day, an international effort to empower and educate people to protect their privacy and control their digital footprint. We have posted 10 easy ways for you to maintain your privacy when surfing the net. Read more about 10 easy steps to maximize privacy!
Coverage of Tragic Mall Shooting in Maryland Promotes Myths about Domestic Violence
January 25, 2014January 25, 2014 – NNEDV is shocked and saddened to hear the news reports about the tragic shooting at the Columbia Mall in Maryland that resulted in three deaths and multiple injuries today.
“Private Violence” Premieres at Sundance Film Festival
January 23, 2014January 23, 2014 – Private Violence, a new HBO documentary premiering at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival this week, explores the complexities of domestic violence and the challenges and triumphs in the lives of survivors.
2014 Budget Restores & Increases Resources for Victims
January 17, 2014January 17, 2014 – But Funding Still Woefully Inadequate to Meet Victims’ Needs
Safety Net Project Highlights Importance of Protecting Online Safety through Twitter
January 15, 2014January 15, 2014 – Online safety is a major concern for many survivors of domestic and sexual violence and stalking. Many survivors can’t control what is shared about them online, but there are some things they can do to enhance their privacy.
National Network Urges Supreme Court to Follow Clear Law that Keeps Guns Out of the Hands of Domestic Violence Abusers
January 14, 2014January 14, 2014 – It is undisputed that firearms in the hands of domestic violence abusers play a large role in the lethality of domestic assaults—and handguns are most problematic.
NNEDV Recognizes Human Trafficking Awareness Month
January 11, 2014January 11, 2014 – This and every month, NNEDV stands in solidarity with survivors of human trafficking and the movement to end violence against women.
NNEDV Disappointed by Maryville Rape Case Announcement
January 10, 2014January 10, 2014 – NNEDV is saddened by yesterday’s announcement that no sexual assault charges would be pursued against Matthew Barnett in the Maryville case. Instead of attacking, blaming, and ridiculing victims of sexual assault, we need to take tangible steps to hold offenders accountable.
NNEDV Shares Ideas and Resources about Online Safety for Survivors
January 9, 2014January 9, 2014 – NNEDV participated in a twitter chat on January 8th, 2014 hosted by @DataPrivacyDay on online safety and privacy for survivors of domestic and sexual violence.
Catch up on Recreational Reading over the Holidays
December 20, 2013The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) hosts a book club, Reader with a Cause, on Goodreads.com and we’ve just updated our “To Read” bookshelf! The holidays are a great time to catch up on leisure reading – on the plane or in front of the fireplace with some cocoa – so why don’t you join us for an upcoming read? We’ve got something for everyone in the New Year!
Call on Congress to Fund the Services Survivors Need
December 18, 2013As Congress begins the work of allocating funding for Fiscal Year ’14, NNEDV is urging Congress to invest in programs that provide safety and support to victims in need.
Lead by Example this #GivingTuesday and Encourage Spending With A Purpose
November 26, 2013Black Friday… Cyber Monday… #GivingTuesday. This #GivingTuesday, show your support for NNEDV
16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Launches on November 25
November 25, 2013The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign is an international campaign with over 5,167 participating organizations from more than 187 countries. The start and end dates, November 25 (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) and December 10 (International Human Rights Day), symbolically link violence against women and human rights, emphasizing that such violence is a violation of human rights.
NNEDV Named a Finalist in .ORG Website Makeover Contest
NNEDV interacts with a range of stakeholders in the movement to end domestic violence – from survivors to advocates to service providers to policymakers. Our website is the common thread that runs through all of our work – it is the entry and access point through which each of these stakeholders reach out to NNEDV, and a key place where we reach out to and communicate with them.
Safety in a Mobile World: A Look at “Apps”
November 21, 2013NNEDV’s Safety Net Project created a downloadable resource to assist agencies, partnerships, and communities with understanding mobile phone application options and considering how they can best help victims of domestic violence.
Coverage of Most Recent Zimmerman Arrest Promotes Myths about Domestic Violence
November 19, 2013With high profile cases of domestic violence in the news, such as George Zimmerman’s most recent arrest November 18, 2013 on aggravated assault and battery-domestic violence charges, the media has the opportunity to debunk myths and set the record straight on the realities of domestic violence.
Domestic Violence Victims Suffer Under Sequestration As Congress Battles Over The Budget
November 12, 2013At the same time that funding is decreasing, domestic violence programs across the country are reporting an increase in the demand for their help, which creates an unconscionable gap in available services.
NNEDV Launches Goodreads Group to Connect with Supporters
October 29, 2013Reader with a Cause is the go-to book club for readers who believe in equality and dream of a world where violence against women doesn’t exist.
You’re Invited to Join Us… on Google+
October 24, 2013This panel will discuss the October 23 episode of Surviving Evil on Investigation Discovery, which featured Ms. Jendusa Nicolai’s shocking story of survival.
Facebook Removes Search By Name Option
October 17, 2013As Facebook continues to change their privacy settings and introduce new features to their users, it is critical that survivors and advocates understand those changes and how it affects the personal information they share on Facebook.
New resources available on WomensLaw.org!
October 15, 2013Over the past 3 months, the WomensLaw project has been hard at work adding information to WomensLaw.org. Check out the latest additions.
Safe Housing for Survivors: A Public Policy Update
October 4, 2013Our work secured expanded landmark housing protection in the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) renewal in March 2013.
Federal Shutdown Jeopardizes Domestic Violence Victims and Programs
October 1, 2013The government shutdown could delay funding and further destabilize programs that provide essential services in their communities. Domestic violence programs that operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to serve victims in immediate and often life-threatening danger rely on federal funding to keep their lights on and their doors open.
31 Actions for DVAM
September 23, 2013By raising awareness, we help shed light on the problem and create a community where victims feel safer coming forward, where more perpetrators are held accountable, and where we can move closer to preventing and ending domestic violence.
19 Years of Progress – Celebrating VAWA
September 15, 2013The new version of VAWA also strengthens existing programs and puts an increased focus on sexual assault. Given that 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men have been sexually assaulted, this new focus will meet an urgent need.
On Women’s Equality Day, Economic Inequities Hamper Victims of Domestic Violence
August 26, 2013Many survivors face the devastating choice of continuing to be hurt by their intimate partner or becoming homeless, because there are insufficient resources and community support.
DV Advocates Cheer Senate Passage of Immigration Reform Bill
June 27, 2013“Currently there are just too few of these special visas to allow immigrant victims of domestic violence to flee their perpetrators. This bill recognizes the great need for these lifesaving visas and will go a long way toward increasing safety and justice in our communities,” – Kim Gandy, President & CEO at NNEDV
NNEDV promotes economic empowerment work through Financial Literacy Day on Capitol Hill
April 26, 2013“The impact of domestic violence on a victim often goes far beyond the physical abuse,” said Vicky Dinges, vice president of corporate social responsibility at Allstate. “Time and again, we see victims who suffer not only physical trauma from their abuser but are often isolated economically as well.
Census 2012 Press Release
March 25, 2013In just one 24-hour period, local domestic violence programs across the country provided help and safety to 64,324 adults and children who were victims of domestic violence.
While local domestic violence programs helped more than 67,000 victims in just one day, unmet requests increased
February 27, 2012An annual survey conducted by the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) provides insight into domestic violence services in the United States. On September 15, 2011 – one 24-hour period – domestic violence victim advocates served more than 67,000 victims and answered more than 22,000 emergency hotline calls.
New Survey Presents Snapshot of U.S. Domestic Violence Services
January 27, 2011A new survey conducted by NNEDV reveals telling information about domestic violence services in the U.S.
NNEDV Unveils New Snapshot of Victim Services in the U.S.
March 8, 2010In 2009 – the project’s fourth year – 1,648 local domestic violence programs, or 83 percent, submitted their 24-hour counts for September 15.
Census Reveals a Snapshot of Violence in America: Hard Economic Times Mean Greater Danger
February 11, 2009(February 11, 2009) Washington, DC – On one day in America over 20,000 victims of domestic violence and their children fled their homes because they feared for their lives. Hungry and afraid, they left most of their possessions behind looking for a safe place to sleep and a new start. These victims were met by […]
New Report Shows Large Demand for Domestic Violence Services and Short Supply of Resources to Meet Victims’ Needs
January 30, 2008In a single day, domestic violence programs served more than 53,000 adults and children in the United States. However, a significant number of requests – more than 7,700 — went unmet because domestic violence agencies lacked the funding and staff to meet the demand.
50,000 Americans Touched by Domestic Violence Programs in a Single Day
March 13, 2007First-of-its-Kind Survey Documents Extensive Reach of Domestic Violence Programs (March 13, 2007) Washington, DC – In a single day, domestic violence programs served more than 50,000 adults and children in the United States. This astonishing data comes from the release of Domestic Violence Counts: the National Census of Domestic Violence Services (NCDVS). Conducted by the […]