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Date added: September 14, 2016

Please note: NNEDV does not provide direct counseling or crisis services. If you are looking for information about services available in your area, please contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY). If you are in need of immediate emergency assistance and feel comfortable calling the police, please call 911. […]

Reflecting on the Violence Against Women Act on its 22nd Anniversary

Date added: September 13, 2016

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) was passed in 1994 under then-Senator Joe Biden, to address and improve our nation’s response to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking and ensure that survivors and their families have access to resources.

Inequalities Persist on Women’s Equality Day

Date added: August 26, 2016

Women’s equality cannot wait. Let’s close the book on this conversation, so that we can open the book on a brighter future for our daughters, granddaughters, and great-granddaughters.

August 23rd is Black Women’s Equal Pay Day

Date added: August 23, 2016

The wage gap widens for Black women, who earn 63 cents for every dollar earned by White men and must work for 20 months in order to make what White men will earn in twelve.