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Survivors can't wait. Congress must support the CVF Stabilization Act and prevent catastro [Read More]

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About Coalitions


State and territory domestic violence coalitions have many things in common, and each coalition also has unique features defining what and who they are, what they do, and how they do it. “(T)he Defining State Domestic Violence Coalitions – Essential Criteria document… assists State Domestic Violence Coalitions in assessing the essential criteria for defining who and what they are.” This section includes a checklist from that document, as well as information about how membership is handled by the various coalitions, and notes on one coalition’s merger with its state’s sexual assault coalition.

Downloadable Resources

AZ Coalitions Merger Download
Chart Outlining State Territory Coalition Program Membership Approaches Download
Coalition Definition Federal Language Download
Essential Criteria Assessment Tool Download
Essential Criteria for State DV Coalitions Download
Guiding the Journey - Coalitions and VAWA Download
How DV Coalitions Promote Individual Health and Well-Being - Cris Sullivan Download
Role of Coalitions (FVPSA) Download
Role of Coalitions 2018 Download
Role of the Members of the Coalition Download
Roles and Responsibilities of the Board Download
State Coalitions Critical Leadership RSP Download