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Housing First Approach

Housing First Approach


October 2019
Transitional Supportive Housing Programs: Battered Women’s Perspectives and Recommendations
This article reports on interviews with 55 key stakeholders of these programs (direct service staff, current participants, former participants, and shelter residents) to examine the degree to which TSH programs fulfill the needs of the women who use them.
The Intersection of Domestic Violence and Homelessness
This article addresses the intersection of domestic violence and homelessness
The Civil Protection Order as a Tool for Economic Justice
This article is from The Advocate’s Quarterly, the newsletter of the Center for Survivor Agency and Justice.
Strong Foundation for Healing: Shelter and Sexual Violence
This paper considers issues and advocacy related to emergency shelter and longer-term housing for sexual violence survivors.
HUD Notice on VAWA 2013 Housing Protections
This notice provides an overview of the applicability to HUD programs of the recently enacted Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013.
How the Earth Didn’t Fly Into the Sun
Publication from the Missouri Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence – Missouri’s Project to Reduce Rules in Domestic Violence Shelters (revised April 2020)
Bases fuertes para la sanación: refugios y la violencia sexual
Este artículo de la Coalición Nacional contra el Agresión Sexual (NSAC por su siglas en inglés) y El Proyecto Nacional de Recursos Compartidos (RSP por sus siglas en inglés) proporciona antecedentes sobre la relación entre la violencia sexual y la falta de vivienda segura, así como varias listas de verificación para ayudar a l@s sobrevivientes a buscar entre las opciones de vivienda y recobrar el sentido de seguridad.
Domestic Violence and Voter Registration: Safety Considerations
This document address the intersection of domestic violence, voter registration, and safety.