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Action Alert

We need your help to advocate for policies that support domestic violence survivors. Sign [Read More]

Take Action

Week of Action 2017

Join NNEDV October 15 through 21, 2017 for the National Week of Action!

  • 10/15/2017: Conversation Sunday – use our talking points to start conversations about domestic violence with friends, family members, neighbors, or colleagues.

  • 10/17/2017: Twitter Chat Tuesday – join our bilingual (English & Spanish) Twitter chat from 2:00-3:00 PM (ET). We will be discussing #Safety4Survivors.

  • 10/19/2017: #PurpleThursday – wear purple and show your support for survivors and for ending domestic violence! 

  • 10/21/2017: Shout-Out Saturday – celebrate the people you admire who speak out for survivors and use their voices to make a difference.