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Action Alert

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Displaying 831 to 840 of 879 results

31 Actions for DVAM

Date added: September 23, 2013

By raising awareness, we help shed light on the problem and create a community where victims feel safer coming forward, where more perpetrators are held accountable, and where we can move closer to preventing and ending domestic violence.

19 Years of Progress – Celebrating VAWA

Date added: September 15, 2013

The new version of VAWA also strengthens existing programs and puts an increased focus on sexual assault. Given that 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men have been sexually assaulted, this new focus will meet an urgent need.

[CLOSED] Sequestration Endangers Women

Date added: July 1, 2013

July 1, 2013 - After years of budget cuts, domestic and sexual violence programs have been forced to reduce services and victims are feeling the impact. The Congressionally-mandated sequester cuts are now taking effect, further decimating the resources that victims need to escape and heal from violence and abuse.

DV Advocates Cheer Senate Passage of Immigration Reform Bill

Date added: June 27, 2013

“Currently there are just too few of these special visas to allow immigrant victims of domestic violence to flee their perpetrators. This bill recognizes the great need for these lifesaving visas and will go a long way toward increasing safety and justice in our communities,” - Kim Gandy, President & CEO at NNEDV

[CLOSED] Support Legislation That Keeps Guns Out of the Hands of Abusers

Date added: April 17, 2013

April 17, 2013 - The U.S. Senate will likely vote on background checks legislation sometime during the next two weeks and NNEDV needs your help letting our elected officials know this legislation is a critical step in protecting victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking from gun violence.

Census 2012 Press Release

Date added: March 25, 2013

In just one 24-hour period, local domestic violence programs across the country provided help and safety to 64,324 adults and children who were victims of domestic violence.

[CLOSED] Urge Your Senators to Vote YES on the Harkin Amendment

Date added: March 13, 2013

March 13, 2013 - As early as today, the Senate will vote on a funding bill that covers the full function of the federal government for fiscal year 2013. Senator Harkin (D-IA) has introduced an amendment to the funding bill that will increase funding for domestic violence shelters and the National Domestic Violence Hotline by $6.6 million.