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VOCA and Housing: Successes, Challenges, and Tips – EJ Summit 2018


March 2018

This PowerPoint was prepared by Stevi Gray, Colorado Coalition Against Domestic Violence; Kimberly Parker, The Alliance; Debbie Fox, National Network to End Domestic Violence; and Anne Menard, National Resource Center on Domestic Violence. Highlights include flexible funding for survivor housing and Colorado’s experience using Victim of Crime Act Funds. It was shared at the 2018 Economic Justice Summit in Las Vegas, NV.

Downloadable Resources

VOCA & Housing: Successes, Challenges and Tips – EJ Summit 2018 Download
Using Flexible Funding to Prevent Homelessness of Domestic Violence Survivors - EJ Summit 2018 Download
Implementing the Domestic Violence Housing First Model in California - EJ Summit 2018 Download