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DVAM 2018: Survivors’ Rights

October 1, 2018

Every October, the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) joins with our partners, supporters, and allies across the country to recognize Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM).

DVAM is an opportunity for everyone to take a stand against domestic violence. We invite you to join us and get involved this month through our annual #31n31 campaign that focuses on Survivors’ Rights this year. We are exploring the concepts to which we believe all survivors have the right.

Learn more and share the full campaign below in a downloadable format:

October 1 – Survivors have the right to be believed

Victim blaming must stop. Support, trust, and #BelieveSurvivors. Instead of second-guessing their experiences, rightfully place responsibility on abusers and perpetrators to end abuse. Domestic violence is rooted in power and control.

October 2 – Survivors have the right to safety and security in their communities 

Survivors should never be re-traumatized in their communities. Systems that are rooted in systems of oppression can make survivors, especially survivors of color, fear for their safety. Learn more about combating everyday racism.

October 3 – Survivors have the right to rebuild

Healing is possible. Learn more: Trauma & Healing – Tips for Survivors and Trauma & Healing – What Friends and Family Need to Know.

October 4 – Survivors have the right to leave or stay 

There are an infinite number of reasons survivors choose to leave or stay with an abusive partner. Did you know…leaving is the most dangerous time for survivors, their children, and their pets. Learn more about domestic violence through these FAQs.

October 5 – Survivors have the right to be connected with family, friends, and communities

Isolation is a common tactic abusive partners use to assert power & control. Survivors have the right to maintain and build relationships with friends and family – in person and online. Stay safely connected online with tips and resources from

October 6 – Survivors have the right to a workplace safe from stalking and abuse

Is your partner making you late for work, constantly calling, and making it nearly impossible to hold a job? Workplace harassment and stalking by a partner is a form of financial abuse. Learn more about financial abuse with our fact sheet.

October 7 – Survivors have the right to control their own narrative

All survivors heal in their own way. Whether a survivor decides to share their story (or not), their decision and method of healing must be respected and supported. Learn more about how to support survivors in a trauma-informed way.

October 8 – Survivors have the right to access services that meet their needs

In many communities (including Native & Indigenous communities), access to culturally relevant, trauma-informed services aren’t accessible. Our #MeetACoalition series shares how coalitions are bridging this gap.

October 9 – Survivors have the right to parent

Survivors should not be denied the right to parent because their partner chose to abuse. #1thing you can do today is learn how domestic violence affects children.

October 10 – Survivors have the right to be healthy

October 10 is World Mental Health Day. Survivors deserve access to healthcare and benefits throughout their healing. Learn more about how NNEDV is advocating for empowering and accessible healthcare policy for survivors.

October 11 – Survivors have the right to claim power

October 11 is the International Day of the Girl; here’s #1thing to remember: We believe you. You are important. You can conquer today. 

October 12 – Survivors have the right to bodily autonomy

Reproductive abuse, coercion, and sexual assault are tactics of abuse facing many survivors of domestic violence. Violating bodily autonomy is a method of exerting power and control. Learn more about bodily autonomy and “stealthing.”

October 13 – Survivors have the right to heal in their own way

Healing from domestic violence is not linear and looks different for every survivor. Learn #1thing (or more!) on how to be supportive of a survivor’s individual healing process.

October 14 – Survivors have the right to be a voice against violence

Survivors are among the strongest advocates! #1thing YOU can do to be a voice against violence this #SelflessSunday is join our network and become a member!

October 15 – Survivors have the right to be heard

Trust that survivors know what’s best for themselves – this principle extends to all spaces including legal & justice systems, service programs, home, school, and work. Use your voice to have an informed conversation about domestic violence.

October 16 – Survivors have the right to safety

Survivors deserve to be safe – in all spaces (online, in legal systems, at work, and at home)! Sign up to stay up to date on how we’re working toward #Safety4Survivors and join our #Safety4Survivors Twitter Chat at 3pm ET today!

October 17 – Survivors have the right to own their identities

There is no one-size-fits-all way to be a survivor. We celebrate that survivors are unique individuals and have the right own and express their identities. Support survivors by taking action this #WokeWednesday.

October 18 – Survivors have the right to love

Survivors deserve to love and to be loved by friends, family, and partners. 💜💜 Are you wearing purple in support of survivors this #PurpleThursday? Share a photo and tag us (@nnedv)!

October 19 – Survivors have the right to fair reporting of their stories

We’re analyzing how society talks about domestic violence. When media coverage blames victims or excuses violence, it causes devastating consequences by skewing perspectives on domestic violence and further entrenches systems of racism, classism, & sexism. Learn more about racial bias in the coverage of celebrity domestic violence.

October 20 – Survivors have the right to privacy and safety online

It’s #TechSafety Saturday! Technology has a major impact on the lives of survivors. Survivors deserve to use technology without fear of stalking or harassment. Learn more at

October 21 – Survivors have the right to accessible information

Survivors should never be retraumatized by inaccessible public systems & benefits. Find state-specific, plain-language legal information about gun violence, custody, restraining orders, & more from

October 22 – Survivors have the right to express emotion

ALL feelings and experiences are valid, and practicing #SelfCare can be a way to heal and express emotion. #1thing you can do to practice #SelfCare is to have a listen to NNEDV’s #EmpowermentPlaylist.

October 23 – Survivors have the right to hold offenders accountable

No survivor’s experience is the same, and no survivor’s path toward justice is the same. Survivors have the right to hold abusers accountable in the ways they see fit. Learn about the laws and legal remedies that may be available to you from

October 24 – Survivors have the right to feel safe where they live

October 24 is UN Day and we’re talking about #Safety4Survivors. Did you know…domestic violence is a leading cause of homelessness for women and children. Learn about domestic violence and housing and share #1thing you learn with your friends, family, or colleagues.

October 25 – Survivors have the right to be treated with respect and dignity

Those who choose to abuse will often isolate and marginalize their partner to gain power and control. Survivors deserve to be treated with respect. Practice #SelfCare and promote respect with our Rabbits For Respect coloring page. 🎨

October 26 – Survivors have the right to be seen as dynamic and complex individuals

Abuse does not define survivors. Survivors are unique individuals with passions, goals, and beliefs – and deserve to be seen as such by service providers, friends, and family. Learn how individuality impacts trauma-informed care.

October 27 – Survivors have the right to live without fear

Gaslighting, coercion, and emotional abuse are common tactics used by those who choose to abuse. Learn more about emotional abuse.

October 28 – Survivors have the right to seek support

Domestic violence is not a “private family matter.” Survivors deserve access to resources in their communities that prioritize their needs. October 28 is #MakeADifference Day; get involved with your state/territory domestic violence coalition.

October 29 – Survivors have the right to access technology

Technology is often misused by abusive partners. Survivors deserve to feel safe when accessing online resources or using social media. Learn more about #TechSafety and the Internet of Things.

October 30 – Survivors have the right to have faith in their life

Faith communities can be integral to healing for survivors – as long as these communities are supportive of survivors and their experiences.

October 31 – Survivors have the right to self-determination

Survivors are the experts on their own lives. Survivors have the right to be at the center of decision making – and to change their mind. Read some of their stories from our Domestic Violence Counts Census.