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Help Stop Teen Dating Violence this February

January 29, 2015

This February, the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) recognizes Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, a time to call attention to the teen dating violence epidemic and stand together against all abuse.

Dating violence is a pattern of abusive behaviors used to exert power and control over a dating partner. The pattern is different in every relationship, but usually escalates over time, becoming more and more dangerous.


An estimated 33% of teens will experience violence at the hands of a dating partner, yet only 1 in 3 will tell anyone about it. [1] Dating violence has enormous consequences: teens who experience dating violence are at a significantly higher risk for a number of health problems. [2]

Unfortunately, laws are often confusing, and many states lack specific legal protections for teens in abusive relationships. Through, NNEDV provides information specifically for teens, including how to help a friend or find legal information on teen dating violence.

There is so much that we can all do to help stop dating violence. Here are just a few ways you can get involved this February:

  • Start a conversation about relationship health and dating violence on It’s Time To Talk Day (February 3, 2015). Find an event near you.
    • Parents, kickstart your conversation with this guide from Break the Cycle.
  • Join National Respect Week. Download the Respect Week 2015 Guide to find out how to get involved.
  • On February 10, 2015, wear Orange 4 Love in honor of Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. Share a photo on social media using these hashtags: #orange4love, #teenDVmonth, or #RespectWeek2015.
  • Register for the National Respect Announcement! Join the #NationalRespectAnnouncement Thunderclap to show your support on social media.


[1] Love is Respect, “Dating Abuse Statistics,”

[2] Decker M, Silverman J, Raj A. 2005. Dating Violence and Sexually Transmitted Disease/HIV Testing and Diagnosis Among Adolescent Females. Pediatrics. 116: 272-276.