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DVAM 2020: #ConnectTheDots

October 1, 2020

Every October, the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) joins with our partners, supporters, and allies across the country to recognize Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM).
DVAM is an opportunity for everyone to take a stand against domestic violence. We invite you to join us and get involved this month through our annual #31n31 campaign that focuses on how we can #ConnectTheDots between different issues related to domestic violence and create a safer, more equitable future.
Learn more below and download and share the full campaign in our Resource Library or on Pinterest. For Twitter-sized graphics, please contact us.

September 30 – Connect the Dots

Domestic Violence Awareness Month begins TOMORROW! Join us all month long as we #ConnectTheDots between different issues related to domestic violence and learn how we can create a safer, more equitable future. #31n31 #DVAM

October 1 – Safety for Native Survivors

Today is the first day of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and it’s also #NativeWomensEqualPay Day. We can’t end domestic violence until we #ConnectTheDots between anti-Native racism and DV. Learn more from Equal Pay Today. #31n31 #DVAM 

October 2 – What is Domestic Violence?

Let’s get back to basics. Domestic violence is a pattern of coercive, controlling behavior that can include physical, emotional, sexual, and/or financial abuse. Learn how we aim to #ConnectTheDots and create a world without domestic violence. #31n31 #DVAM

October 3 – Voter Registration and Privacy

One month till Election Day! ???????? Survivors deserve to safely vote, but voter privacy protections can vary from state to state and put survivors at risk. Learn more and #ConnectTheDots between voter registration and privacy. #31n31 #DVAM

October 4 – Safety for Survivors’ Pets

Today is #WorldAnimalDay. Abusers often hurt pets as a way to control partners. Every member of a family deserves safety, and we can’t end domestic violence without recognizing this link. Learn more and #ConnectTheDots between pets and DV. #31n31 #DVAM

October 5 – VOCA, VAWA, and FVPSA

#ConnectTheDots with our quick policy primer! (More info in our Policy Center.) ???? #VOCA supports state & local programs that assist crime victims. ???? #FVPSA supports services for underserved communities. ???? #VAWA supports community responses to violence. #31n31 #DVAM #VAWA4ALL

October 6 – Resilience and Self-Care

With so much uncertainty in our world, self-care can feel useless. But you can’t pour from an empty cup. It’s important to #ConnectTheDots between practicing self-care and building resilience. ???? Our Get Involved Toolkit has suggestions! #31n31 #DVAM

October 7 – All Injustice is Connected

All forms of violence and oppression are connected. That’s why it’s important to #ConnectTheDots between domestic violence and racism and work to dismantle both. Keep reading in our 8 Everyday Ways to Fight Racism, and learn more about anti-Black racism and follow Ujima. #31n31 #DVAM

October 8 – Join Our Mailing List

It can be tough to keep up with everything happening in this movement, and we want to #ConnectTheDots for you. Sign up to receive regular updates about our work, news stories, policy actions, and more. ???? #31n31 #DVAM

October 9 – Creating Community

For many survivors, creating community after isolation and abuse can help #ConnectTheDots between safety and healing. Our WomensLaw team has compiled a list of resources, and many local programs offer services like support groups. #31n31 #DVAM

October 10 – Survivors Deserve Trauma-Informed Care

Trauma-informed care is something that can benefit survivors as they #ConnectTheDots and heal, moving from “What is wrong with you?” to “What happened to you?” and “How has this experience affected you?” Learn more. #31n31 #DVAM #WorldMentalHealthDay

October 11 – Addressing Domestic Violence in the Media: Tips for Journalists

❓ “What does language of accountability mean?” ❓ “Do I verify a survivor’s story?” ❓ “Do I say ‘survivor’ or ‘victim’?” Get answers to these and other questions as we #ConnectTheDots for reporters and editors in our Media Guide. #31n31 #DVAM

October 12 – Domestic Violence Counts

Last month, advocates and staff across the country participated in our Domestic Violence Counts survey to #ConnectTheDots between the needs that exist and the incredible work that local advocates do every day. ???? Check out our most recent #DVCounts Report. #31n31 #DVAM

October 13 – Address Confidentiality Programs 

Election Day is in just three short weeks! ????️ For many survivors, keeping their voting address private is essential to #ConnectTheDots to their own safety, and this is where Address Confidentiality Programs (ACPs) come in handy. Learn more. #31n31 #DVAM

October 14 – The Equality Wheel

Domestic violence is a pattern of power and control. In order to end domestic violence, we have to #ConnectTheDots between all forms of inequality and violence. Share this equality wheel to celebrate what a future based on respect can mean to us! #31n31 #DVAM

October 15 – Help a Friend Experiencing Abuse during COVID-19

Experts have begun to #ConnectTheDots between increased isolation for victims during #COVID19 and an inability to reach out for help. If you’re concerned about a loved one, you can support them even if you can’t be physically close. #31n31 #DVAM

October 16 – What is Tech Safety?

Technology helps survivors access resources and connect with the world. #TechSafetyMeans they can do these things without fearing abuse. Learn more and #ConnectTheDots between tech-facilitated abuse and other forms of violence. #31n31 #DVAM #NCSAM

October 17 – Supporting Survivors during COVID-19 (and beyond!)

We’ve been working to #ConnectTheDots between the immediate dangers of #COVID19 and the ongoing barriers that will impact survivors long after the crisis has ended. We all have a role to play. Find yours with our Get Involved toolkit. ???? #31n31 #DVAM

October 17 – Week of Action

The National Week of Action for Domestic Violence Awareness Month begins TOMORROW! Join us October 18-24 as we #ConnectTheDots and share easy ways to get involved in the movement to end violence. #31n31 #DVAM

October 18 – Week of Action: Share Love Sunday

Today is the first day of the #DVAM Week of Action! ???? We’re celebrating #ShareLoveSunday and we want you to #ConnectTheDots with some craftivism. Find somewhere to write an empowering message and (if you want) snap a picture and show us! If you need some ideas, how about: ???? #ConnectTheDots ???? End Domestic Violence ???? Everyone Deserves a Safe Home ???? … or anything else you’d like! #31n31

October 19 – Week of Action: Make It Monday

The #DVAM Week of Action continues with #MakeItMonday! ???? This work is hard, and it’s important to #ConnectTheDots between self-care and strength. Schedule some time today for a self-care break with our coloring pages and other printables. And, if you’ve taken up any new crafts or creative projects during quarantine, we want to see! Take some time to show off your fresh loaf of sourdough, or that scarf you just finished knitting. Tell us all about it. ???? ???? #31n31

October 20 – Week of Action: Talk About it Tuesday

Words matter. Especially in a movement committed to justice, it’s important to #ConnectTheDots and be aware of the harmful language we might be using. For #TalkAboutItTuesday, reply and tell us how you’re putting language to work in the movement to end DV! ⬇️ #31n31 #DVAM

October 21 – Week of Action: Award Wednesday

It’s #AwardWednesday! We need your help to #ConnectTheDots between showing gratitude for each other, and strengthening our work to end domestic violence. Tag someone who has made a difference in your life (or the lives of survivors) and let them know. ???? #31n31 #DVAM

October 22 – Week of Action: Purple Thursday

Today is #PurpleThursday! ???? We’re glad you are here with us and that you are helping us to #ConnectTheDots between raising awareness of domestic violence and ultimately ending it. So, put on your purple, snap a pic, and celebrate with us! ???? #31n31 #DVAM

October 23 – Week of Action: Find It Friday

Power and control don’t just happen in the context of abuse—we must #ConnectTheDots between micro and macro injustices. For #FindItFriday, tell us: where do you find imbalances of power and control? And, if you’re comfortable sharing, what are YOU doing about them? #31n31 #DVAM

October 24 – Week of Action: Share It Saturday

Today is #ShareItSaturday. It’s time to #ConnectTheDots between what we’ve learned this week, and how we’re going to continue to make a difference for survivors. Let us know: what did you learn this week? What are you committed to doing to create a better world? ???? #31n31 #DVAM

October 25 – What is Economic Justice?

Economic justice means addressing survivors’ basic financial needs so they can move from short-term safety to long-term security. Learn more about how we #ConnectTheDots between economic justice and domestic violence. #31n31 #DVAM

October 26 – Housing is Safety

Programs throughout the country #ConnectTheDots to provide housing, rental assistance, and supportive services to help survivors overcome barriers to safety. We’re so proud to work with these programs every day! Learn more. #31n31 #DVAM #DVHousing

October 27 – Support Our Work

We’re nearing the end of #DVAM, but our work continues. Your support can #ConnectTheDots for survivors, programs, and coalitions across the country, helping them continue life-saving services. Every dollar counts. Can we count on your support? #31n31

October 28 – Positively Safe

This year, we’re celebrating 10 years of #PositivelySafe! ???? Positively Safe works to #ConnectTheDots between HIV/AIDS and domestic violence, increasing partnerships and decreasing barriers and stigma for survivors. Learn more. #31n31 #DVAM #DVandHIV

October 29 – Equal Pay is Essential for Survivors

Today is #LatinaEqualPayDay. ???? We must #ConnectTheDots and recognize that women of color (including Latinas) are disproportionately impacted by the pay gap and that closing it can help all women, especially survivors, access safety. Learn more from Justice for Migrant Women. #31n31 #DVAM

October 30 – WomensLaw

Elizabeth Martin founded WomensLaw in 2000 to #ConnectTheDots and deliver state-specific legal information and resources to empower survivors with the information they need. Two decades later, two million users visit WomensLaw each year! #31n31 #DVAM #KnowWomensLaw

October 31 – My Costume is Not Consent

While #Halloween looks pretty different in 2020, a reminder that #MyCostumeIsNotMyConsent—any day of the year. Consent is a normal and necessary way for partners to #ConnectTheDots in any healthy relationship. Learn more from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center. #31n31 #DVAM

November 1 – Connect the Dots

That’s a wrap on #DVAM 2020! Thanks for following along as we worked to #ConnectTheDots between different issues related to domestic violence. We still need YOU to help us end domestic violence. Our Get Involved Toolkit is ready for you. #31n31