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[CLOSED] Urge your Representatives to Support VAWA

February 15, 2013 – Early this week, theSenate passed VAWA by an overwhelming, bipartisan majority (78-22)! This victory is due to your fantastic advocacy!
Now we must turn to the U.S. House of Representatives to make sure that they move swiftly to pass a strong, bipartisan VAWA that safely and effectively meets the needs of all victims.
Call the Capitol switchboard at 888.269.5702 and ask the operator to connect you to your Representative.  If you don’t know who your Representatives are, you can look them up here.
When you are connected to their offices, tell the person who answers the phone:
  • I am a constituent from (city and state) and my name is ____________.
  • I urge Representative _________ to support a strong, bipartisan Violence Against Women Act reauthorization by urging House leadership to consider the recently-passed bipartisan Senate VAWA (S. 47).
  • As you know, VAWA passed the Senate on Tuesday with a resounding bipartisan vote of 78-22 in favor of an all-embracing bill that strives to serve all victims of violence in our communities, homes, campuses and workplaces all around the country.
  • Thank you!

Your work will help us secure a final VAWA that safely and effectively protects all victims!