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The text: take Action: Urge Congress to Address the Needs of Survivors During COVID-19 over a purple and orange ombre background with a faded close up of the capitol building to the right.
Action Alert

We need your help to advocate for policies that support domestic violence survivors. Sign [Read More]

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[CLOSED] Urge Congress to Address the Needs of Survivors During COVID-19

COVID-19 continues to severely impact survivors of violence and Communities of Color.

As this global pandemic continues month after month, survivors’ lives are still in peril. The coronavirus pandemic continues to severely impact domestic and sexual violence survivors and Communities of Color. Advocates on the frontlines need additional resources to ensure the safety of survivors and their staff.

Urge your Members of Congress to act now to pass a COVID-19 relief package that addresses survivors’ housing, economic, and physical and mental health needs.

Thank you for addressing the needs of survivors of domestic violence, sexual violence, dating violence, and stalking during this difficult time.