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WomensLaw at a Glance – 2021 National Updates


February 2022

To provide the most updated information to survivors, their loved ones, and the professionals who help them, this past year the WomensLaw team reviewed amendments to 392 state-specific statutes and added 302 newly created statutes from 54 states and territories. We also created responses for 234 new legal questions, revised 410 existing legal questions, and added 74 new crimes and their statutory definitions. In our Places that Help section, we added 132 new state-specific resources and revised 626 existing ones. Here are the top six additions to that are not specific to any state. To learn more about all of our legal and non-legal updates and additions in 2021, please visit our What’s New page.

Espanol: Un Vistazo al Trabajo de WomensLaw en el 2021: Actualizaciones Nacionales

Downloadable Resources

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