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Strengthening Our Practice: The Ten Essential Strengths of Sexual Violence Victim Advocates in Dual/Multi-Service Advocacy Agencies


This guide is meant to help advocates find their way through this difficult and amazing work. It describes ten attributes or skills that are essential to dual advocates working with sexual violence survivors. It offers activities, exercises, and questions to help you practice skills and explore new areas of your advocacy practice. Together with Opening Our Doors: Building Strong Sexual Assault Services in Dual/Multi-Service Advocacy Agencies, we hope this guide helps in three ways: 1) To help set a plan for personal learning and growth. 2) As a reminder of what you know and the skills you have in those moments of doubt and confusion we all have. 3) Teams can use it to map out trainings, policies, and strategies for expanding sexual assault services. Author/source: The Resource Sharing Project.

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Strengthening Our Practice: The Ten Essential Strengths of Sexual Violence Victim Advocates in Dual/Multi-Service Advocacy Agencies Download