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Curriculum: Intersection of Domestic Violence and Natural Disasters – EJ Summit 2018


July 2019

Nasim Sarabandi of the New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NYSCADV) prepared this presentation and compiled the accompanying resources, drawing upon NYSCADV’s experience providing trainings for disaster response workers. Highlights include the intersection between disaster and domestic violence and ideas for developing ways to assess, support and safety plan for victims of domestic violence in disasters. It was shared at the 2018 Economic Justice Summit in Las Vegas, NV.

Downloadable Resources

Domestic Violence Advocacy: A Disaster Response - EJ Summit 2018 Download
NYSCADV Clearinghouse on Domestic Violence and Disaster - EJ Summit 2018 Download
Domestic Violence and Disaster: A Planning and Resource Guide for Domestic Violence Programs - EJ Summit 2018 Download
Domestic Violence and Disaster: Power and Control Wheel - EJ Summit 2018 Download
National Incident Management System & Incident Command System: A Brief Guide for Domestic Violence Programs - EJ Summit 2018 Download
Disaster Response Workers: Assessing and Responding to Domestic Violence - EJ Summit 2018 Download
Domestic Violence Advocacy: A Disaster Response - EJ Summit 2018 Download