Positively Safe: Addressing the Intersection of DV and HIV/AIDS Toolkit
This toolkit aims to provide domestic violence and HIV/AIDS service providers with information and resources to enhance services for persons exposed to HIV/AIDS and domestic violence. The information provided here addresses frequently asked questions, common challenges, best practices, templates for adaptation, and resources for additional information and assistance. Several resources support building collaborative partnerships and […]
Transitional Housing Toolkit
This toolkit is meant to provide transitional housing providers with easy access to information and resources to enhance services to survivors. The information provided here addresses frequently asked questions, common challenges, best practices, templates for adaptation, and resources for additional information and assistance. Please select a category to access the resources for that topic. Contact Us for […]
정책과 서식의 작성·수정 지침
This Guide for Policy and Form Creation or Revision (Korean) is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
전환주거에 있는 성폭력 생존자의 주거 및 지원 서비스 니즈 충족
본 문서는 성폭력 생존자 고유의 주거 및 서비스 니즈를 개략적으로 설명한다. 전환주거 프로그램이 성폭력 생존자의 접근성을 증대하고 지원 서비스를 강화해 성폭력 생존자의 옹호 니즈를 충족할 수 있는 방안에 대한 구체적인 정보와 자료를 제공한다.
Korean – Choosing a Comparable Database: Aligning Data and Confidentiality, A Case Study for Domestic and Sexual Violence Coalitions
Korean – Creating Access for Survivors: Category 4 Hearth Homeless Designation: Fleeing, or Attempting to Flee, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking and Human Trafficking
임시주거 툴킷 문서 용어집
This Toolkit Glossary (Korean) is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
여성폭력방지국임시주거보조금 프로그램에 따른성폭력 생존자의 서비스 이용 (Korean)
모범관행 서식: 인테이크 안내서
This Template Intake Guide (Korean) form is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
모범관행 서식: 주택 신청서
This Template Application (Korean) form is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
모범관행 서식: 환영 패킷
This Template Welcome Packet (Korean) form is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
모범관행 서식: 거주 기간 연장 요청서
This Template Housing Extension Waiver (Korean) form is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
모범관행 서식: 고충 처리 절차와 양식
This Template Grievance Procedure (Korean) form is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
모범관행 서식: 개인 목표 계획서
This Personal Planning Guide (Korean) form is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
템플릿: 참가자 확인 서신
This Template Participant Verification Letter (Korean) form is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
템플릿: 집주인에게 보내는 편지
This Template Letter to the Landlord (Korean) form is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
[예시] 문서 보존 정책과 절차
This Template Document Retention Policy (Korean) form is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
서식: 클라이언트 제한적 정보 공개 양식
This Template Client Limited Release of Information Form (Korean) is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
임시주거 프로그램 서비스 신청 거절에 대한 진정서
This Template Appeal Process (Korean) form is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
Korean – HUD Continuum of Care and Emergency Solutions Grant Grantee Monitoring for Victim Service Providers
Korean – Developing Housing for Survivors of Domestic Violence
Korean – Coordinated Entry: Confidentiality Requirements in Practice
Korean – Tip Sheet: Best Practices for Setting Eligibility Criteria
Building Our Capacity to Serve Alaskan Native Survivors-Webinar
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Building Our Capacity to Serve Native American Survivors-Webinar
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Building Our Capacity to Serve LGBTQ Survivors–Webinar
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