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The Importance of Legal Advocates

August 28, 2024 | Return to REACH Hub
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Working in gender-based violence, more than likely, you get a chance to engage in legal advocacy—AKA the accompaniments to court, writing letters of support, and calls to attorneys that we make in hopes of getting the outcomes our clients deserve. As legal advocates, we know that we toe the line of our professional boundaries as providers who are not attorneys. This can be confounding when we may be more accessible and involved with the client than their attorney. You can learn more about the scope of support you may provide by attending our upcoming webinar:

Legal Advocacy in Action: Best Practices for Legal Advocates Assisting Survivors

Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 1:00 PM EST

Register now!

Facing legal systems can be one of the most frustrating experiences, and alongside our clients, we can experience a shared powerlessness. Some of these struggles can include:

  • Prolonged cases and multiple court appearances disrupting the client’s life.
  • Inability to get in contact with a representing attorney or not having representation.
  • Having to figure out paperwork and legal terminology.
  • Not having an interpreter available in the client’s preferred language.

Our legal advocacy can mitigate this process and be powerful, in combination with the surrounding services we provide, such as crisis counseling, safety planning, economic empowerment, and referrals. We can create a special trust with clients that can inspire hope and hold space for those moments of hopelessness.

Come to our webinar, “Legal Advocacy in Action: Best Practices for Legal Advocates Assisting Survivors,” on October 17, 2024, at 1 p.m. ET to explore the best practices for legal advocacy. This webinar is part of the REACH partnership between WomensLaw, the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) and Esperanza United.