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Fostering an Alliance Between Immigration Attorneys and Advocates

September 25, 2024 | Return to REACH Hub
Ver la página en Español: Fomentando una alianza entre intercesores y abogad@s de inmigración

Immigrant survivors of gender-based violence already have to overcome barriers just to reach our services. Speaking specifically to the advocates and attorneys, we need to build ongoing working relationships to provide survivors with the best outcomes. Otherwise, we jeopardize our ability to support our clients most effectively through an intensive and often retraumatizing immigration legal process. Building on our presentation discussing legal advocacy, we invite you to attend our upcoming webinar to explore best practices to ensure successful collaborative work between immigration attorneys and advocates:

Fostering an Alliance Between Immigration Attorneys and Advocates Working with Latin@ Survivors

Tuesday, November 5, 2024 at 1:00 PM EST

Register now!

Remembering our shared purpose around clients sounds simple, yet there are personal and structural challenges that show up, such as:

  • Inconsistent expectations because of not understanding each other’s roles and scope of services
  • High workloads that make it difficult to maintain communication
  • The unpredictability of the immigration system and the chronic crises that can manifest because of it

In this webinar, we’ll offer strategies for overcoming these challenges. Even in circumstances where a client’s case does not turn out how we had hoped, we can honor their resilience and courage. When advocates and attorneys partner together, we can work to mitigate the traumatic experience of the immigration system.

We hope that you can join us on November 5, 2024, at 1 p.m. EST for Fostering an Alliance Between Immigration Attorneys and Advocates Working with Latin@ Survivors. We will lead this webinar through the lens of how collaboration can benefit Latin@ survivors. However, it may be applied to other vulnerable populations. This webinar is part of the WomensLaw partnership between the National Network to End Domestic Violence and Esperanza United.