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Join WomensLaw for Upcoming Webinars on Civil Court Basics

April 25, 2016

WomensLaw, a project of the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV), invites you to join our upcoming bilingual webinar series on Preparing Victims for Civil Court.

The two-part webinar series will be provided in both English (5/3/16 and 5/17/2016) and Spanish (5/4/16 and 5/18/2016). To register, please click the links below:

  • Preparing Victims for Civil Court: Evidence Basics. This webinar is designed for survivors, advocates, and other non-lawyers. We will cover evidentiary basics for civil court proceedings, focusing mainly on civil orders of protection hearings. This webinar is a basic introduction to evidence; it is not intended for lawyers. May 3rd, 2016, 1:00-2:00 p.m. (EST) – register now.
  • Preparando a las Víctimas para la Corte Civil: Conceptos Básicos de Evidencia. Este webinario está diseñado para sobrevivientes, intercesores/as y otras personas que no son abogados/as. Cubriremos conceptos básicos de evidencia para la corte civil, enfocándonos principalmente en las audiencias para órdenes de protección. Este webinario es una introducción básica a la materia de evidencia; no está diseñado para abogados/as. May 4th, 2016, 1:00-2:00 p.m. (EST) – register now.