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Voices Have Power

July 17, 2014

July 17, 2014 – The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) believes in the power of a voice. Now through August 7th, if you use your voice to share a Message of Hope tagged with #VoicesHavePower, Verizon Wireless HopeLine will donate $3 to end domestic & dating violence.

“All victims of domestic violence deserve safety and peace,” said Kim Gandy, President and CEO of NNEDV. “We’re so pleased that Verizon Wireless is deepening its commitment to ending violence through this innovative and engaging social media campaign – and we’re thrilled to be taking part in the Because Voices Have Power campaign.”

The Verizon HopeLine’s Because Voices Have Powercampaign seeks to engage with and encourage individuals to take a stand against violence by showing solidarity with survivors.

“Social media can be an incredible source for good,” Gandy continued. “You’re already going to take that selfie, send that tweet, or post to Facebook – why not put it towards ending domestic violence? I’ve shared mine!

Share a message of hope today by printing out this message of hope sign and uploading a picture to your favorite social media channel – and don’t forget the hashtag #VoicesHavePower! (Tag @NNEDV and we may share, RT, or re-gram your inspiring message.)

Not sure what to say? Visit for more information and to see some examples.

Here at NNEDV, we work every day to raise our voices on behalf of survivors. We agree that #VoicesHavePower, and that together we can create a safer world for all.