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Updates and Improvements from WomensLaw

April 2, 2014

April 2, 2014 – In the past few months WomensLaw has made valuable updates and substantial improvements to the website — all while continuing to answer the Email Hotline — for our more than 1.1 million annual visitors.

In addition, WomensLaw was invited to conduct an in-person training for more than 30 victim advocates in Connecticut. At the request and with support from the Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence, WomensLaw legal director, Stacey Sarver, trained advocates on how to avoid the unauthorized practice of law in their work with victims.

Find out more what else is new on…

What’s new in March 2014:

  • Updated links to information from outside sources on our divorce page for Utah.
  • WomensLaw added brief info about Oregon’s new Sexual Assault Protective Orders, which became effective on 1/1/14. We also added the newly-created statutes to our OR Statutes page. (Please check back in the Summer of 2014 when we hope to have a whole new section on the website devoted to SAPOs.)

What’s new in February 2014:

What’s new in January 2014: