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The Annual ‘Domestic Violence Counts’ Census Starts TODAY!

September 10, 2014

September 10, 2014 – Today, NNEDV is working in partnership with all 56 state and territory coalitions to conduct an unduplicated count of adults and children who seek services from U.S. domestic violence shelter programs during a single 24-hour survey period. Conducted annually by NNEDV since 2006, this Census takes into account the dangerous nature of domestic violence by using a survey designed to protect the confidentiality and safety of victims.

The 2014 Census started today at 8 a.m. (EST) and will end tomorrow, September 11 at 7:59 a.m. (EST), with over 2,000 local primary purpose domestic violence programs collecting information in that timeframe.

For more information about what happens to the information collected today, see the 2013 report and infographics, view past years’ reports,  or learn more about the Census methodology.

Are you are primary purpose DV program and need a copy of the survey packet? Download a copy of the survey packet.

Do you have other questions about NNEDV’s Census? Contact the Census team.