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Let’s Put an End to Teen Dating Violence

February 2, 2016

This February, the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) recognizes Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.  One in three teens in the United States has experienced some form of abuse by a dating partner, resulting in 1.5 million teens affected by dating abuse annually. [1, 2] This month is a time to call attention to the pervasiveness of teen dating violence and take a stand against it.

Dating violence is a pattern of abusive behaviors used to exert power and control over a dating partner. This pattern can be different in every relationship, but usually becomes more frequent and more dangerous over time. Dating violence can include physical, verbal, emotional, sexual, or technology-facilitated abuse. Teen dating violence can have serious ramifications and place victims at higher risk for future harm, such as substance abuse and eating disorders. [3] Check out and the loveisrespect website for more information about teen dating violence.

It’s time to put an end to the teen dating violence epidemic and take a stand against all abuse. Together, through active education and action, we can put an end to dating violence and promote safety for teens and young adults.

Please join us in combatting teen dating violence this February. There are so many ways to get involved, learn more, and get help:

  • Join in #teenDVmonth Twitter chats using #teenDVchat!
    • February 4 at 3:00pm (EST). The Love = Setting Boundaries chat will discuss setting boundaries in relationships and initiating these conversations.
    • February 18 at 7:00pm (EST). The A Deeper Look at Boundaries chat will dive deeper into discussing violated boundaries and how to approach difficult conversations with your partner.
  • Attend “The New Normal: Understanding the Dating Culture and Dating Abuse in Today’s Society,” a webinar co-hosted by loveisrespect and Break the Cycle. Register here.
  • Join in for National Respect Week! Download the #RespectWeek2016 Guide to find out how to get involved.
  • Wear orange on February 9! Loveisrespect is celebrating Wear Orange Day as a national day of awareness by encouraging everyone to wear orange in honor of Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. You can wear orange clothing, nail polish, ribbons, jewelry, shoes or anything else to join the cause! Share photos on social media using the hashtags #Orange4Love, #teenDVmonth, and #RespectWeek2016.
  • Register for the National Respect Announcement! Join the Thunderclap to show your support on social media.
  • Initiate conversations in your community about dating violence. Parents, kick-start your conversation with this guide from Break the Cycle.
  • Get help:

[1] Davis, Antoinette, MPH. 2008. Interpersonal and Physical Dating Violence among Teens. The National Council on Crime and Delinquency Focus. Available at

[2] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Physical Dating Violence Among High School Students—United States, 2003,” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, May 19, 2006, Vol. 55, No. 19.

[3] Jay G. Silverman, PhD; Anita Raj, PhD; Lorelei A. Mucci, MPH; Jeanne E. Hathaway, MD, MPH, “Dating Violence Against Adolescent Girls and Associated Substance Use, Unhealthy Weight Control, Sexual Risk Behavior, Pregnancy, and Suicidality” JAMA. 2001;286(5):572-579. doi:10.1001/jama.286.5.572