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Safe Housing Webinar Series

May 25, 2017


The Domestic Violence & Housing Technical Assistance Consortium (DVHTAC) is releasing a series of webinars and resource materials around the upcoming U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition, expected to be released soon. We invite Domestic and Sexual Violence Programs, Homeless and Housing Service Programs, and CoCs to register for webinars in this series, designed to help you build strong partnerships and effective community responses to ending homelessness.


For DV/SA Programs & Coalitions

  • Developing Well-Designed Safe Housing Projects: A Review of the Continuum of Care and Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) Process | May 30 (12:00-1:00pm ET) | Register Today
  • Rapid Re-Housing/Housing First: Innovative Practices | June 2 (3:00-4:30pm ET) | Register Today
  • A Primer on the NOFA Application: Review of the FY17 Application, HUD Priorities, and Funding Opportunities for DV/SA Projects | TBA (1 week after NOFA release) | Registration Coming Soon

For CoCs, Homeless & Housing Programs

  • Survivor Safety and Coordinated Entry Systems | June 5 (2:30-4:00pm ET) | Register Today

For DV/SA Programs & Coalitions, CoCs, Homeless & Housing Programs

  • DV, Housing and Homelessness 101: An Overview | June 7 (3:00-4:30pm ET) | Register Today

Accompanying Webinars from the National Alliance to End Homelessness

For CoCs, Homeless & Housing Programs

  • Preparing for the 2017 CoC Program NOFA | May 31 (2:00-3:00pm ET) | Register Today

For DV/SA Programs & Coalitions, CoCs, Homeless & Housing Programs

  • What is the Transitional Housing-Rapid Re-Housing Joint Component? | June 15 (2:00-3:00pm ET) | Register Today

About DVHTAC: Launched in 2015, the Consortium provides training, technical assistance, and resource development at the critical intersection between domestic violence/sexual assault services and homeless services/housing. Funded and supported by a partnership between the Department of Justice (Office on Violence Against Women and Office for Victims of Crime), the Department of Housing and Urban Development (Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs) and the Department of Health and Human Services (Family Violence Prevention and Services program) it also brings together four national organizations, making up the Consortium TA Team: the National Alliance for Safe Housing (project of DASH), the National Network to End Domestic Violence, the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, and Collaborative Solutions, Inc. The Consortium TA Team builds and provides technical assistance to both housing/homelessness providers and domestic violence/sexual assault service providers.

Coming May 30: New Website to Support the Development of Safe Housing Practices and Initiatives