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NNEDV Helps Spread Awareness about Elder Abuse

June 14, 2015

On June 15th, the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) recognizes World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2015. This international day of awareness is aimed at educating people about the impact of elder abuse.

Elder abuse is the abuse of “an older person either within a relationship where there is an expectation of trust and/or when an older person is targeted based on age or disability.” [1]

This abuse comes in many forms, such as physical, sexual, and emotional abuse as well as neglect, financial exploitation, and stalking. Tragically, many of these cases can end in homicide and/or suicide. [2] NNEDV stands in solidarity with victims of elder abuse and the movement to end it.

NNEDV urges you to continue to recognize and combat elder abuse beyond June 15th for the health and safety of our older adult population. Though elder abuse is estimated to affect more than 5 million people, fewer than 5% of cases are prosecuted or reported. [3]

There are many things you can do to raise awareness and combat elder abuse:

[1] “An Overview of Elder Abuse: A Growing Problem.” National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life.  Web. 11 June 2015.

[2] “Forms of Abuse.” National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life. Web. 11 June 2015.

[3] “World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2015.” National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life. Web. 11 June 2015.