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NNEDV Celebrates Safer Internet Day

February 9, 2015

Tomorrow, February 10, 2015, marks Safer Internet Day, an international day aimed at growing public awareness around Internet safety. Making the internet great for everybody takes everybody.

At the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV), we understand the unique part that technology – and in particular the Internet – plays in the lives of victims and survivors of domestic violence.

On the one hand, technology can be used to connect survivors with a network of supportive friends and family, it can be used to maintain privacy and safety, or to access help. On the other hand, technology can also be misused by abusers to exert power over or control a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking.

“We never tell survivors to get off the internet,” said Cindy Southworth, NNEDV Executive Vice President. “Avoiding the internet isn’t a feasible solution and the goal should be to hold abusers accountable for their behavior.”

In our increasingly technology-focused world, it is crucial that we support victims and survivors in online spaces. It is vital that we train advocates on the safe use of technology. We must empower communities, local programs, and major tech companies to address and embrace technology safety by celebrating positive practices both on- and off-line.

On February 10th, get involved and help make the Internet safer for everyone:

  • Follow @NNEDV and @ConnectSafely on Twitter! Join the conversation using #SIDUS15 and #SaferInternetDay.
  • Watch the Safer Internet Day livestream – broadcasting from Facebook’s headquarters from 1 to 7 pm (PST). Watch for our Executive Vice President, Cindy Southworth during the first panel!
  • Share your One Good Thing using the hashtag #OTG – this campaign is designed to demonstrate how people are already making the Internet better with acts of kindness big and small.

It’s YOUR Internet. Help us create a better Internet by following these simple steps:

  • Be nice. Don’t say mean things about other people online.
  • Get consent first. Ask permission before you post anything about someone else, whether it’s a picture or you’re just mentioning them.
  • Speak up. If someone’s being mean to another person online, don’t be afraid to say something. There are others out there who are probably thinking the same thing and will be more likely to speak up if you do.
  • Haters gonna hate. So just shake it off. Be positive – it’s infectious, so go ahead and make it viral.
  • Love the interwebs. Treat it (and the people who use it) well and it will love you back.

(Like these tips? Check out our listicle — with GIFs! — on the Tech Safety blog.)