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NNEDV Celebrates 40 Years of FVPSA

October 10, 2024

This October marks 40 years since the passage of the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA), the primary federal funding source dedicated to supporting emergency shelters and services for victims of domestic violence and their families. Over the past four decades, the Office on Family Violence Prevention and Services (OFVPS) has strengthened the capacity of health and social service agencies to respond to domestic violence through comprehensive training and technical assistance.

The FVPSA program’s capacity-building efforts have led to system improvements, increased knowledge sharing, and enhanced coordination among domestic violence programs and health and social service agencies. FVPSA-funded grantees provide shelter, emergency services, community-based support, and expert technical assistance in every U.S. state and territory. This funding has enhanced how health centers, Head Start programs, child support agencies, and TANF agencies address domestic and sexual violence and connect clients to community resources and hotlines.

The National Network to End Dometic Violence (NNEDV) is proud to be a member of the Gender-Based Violence Resource Network (GBVRN), a collective of FVPSA-funded resource centers committed to strengthening domestic and sexual violence intervention and prevention efforts at individual, community, and societal levels. Member organizations include:

Since the passage of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, OFVPS has expanded its reach to survivors through the implementation of sexual assault services and prevention funding to sexual assault programs across the country. As we celebrate FVPSA’s successes and contributions to domestic and sexual violence prevention and intervention, the GBVRN stands in solidarity applauding OFVPS’ leadership and commitment to strengthening access, system responses, and resources for victims of sexual and domestic violence and their families.

Together with our GBVRN partners, NNEDV is pleased to celebrate 40 years of FVPSA. As we advance our work, building on decades of domestic and sexual violence advocacy, we remain committed to co-creating a world free from violence, racism, and oppression for all.