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Marriage Equality Means Safety for All

June 26, 2015

NNEDV is pleased with the U.S. Supreme Court’s Obergefell v. Hodges ruling that marriage is a fundamental, constitutional right that should be available to all people, regardless of their sexual orientation. Gay and lesbian couples will now enjoy the same rights as heterosexual married couples and will not need to fear that a state or local official will deny them those rights. The Court’s ruling affirms the rights of same sex couples to establish legally binding recognition of their love for each other and be afforded the same rights and responsibilities of any loving couple.


“One of the root causes of domestic violence is inequality, so every step towards an equal and just world is a step towards ending domestic violence. No one should be denied rights and protections due to their race, gender, or sexual orientation,” said Kim Gandy, President and CEO of the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV). “Today’s ruling is a significant one, because it means that safety is no longer dependent on your zip code for gay and lesbian survivors.”

Today’s ruling is a significant one, because it means that safety is no longer dependent on your zip code for gay and lesbian survivors

The federal recognition of same-sex marriage will also afford victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking by a same-sex partner the same protections as any other victim. Although many state laws have extended protections to victims in same-sex relationships, today’s decision strengthens those rights in every jurisdiction.