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Mother and father with their children, a young boy and girl
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Increasing HIV/AIDS Awareness in Black Communities

February 6, 2015

On February 7, 2015, the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) observes National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day and stands in solidarity with our sisters who shine a light on the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Black communities each day.

Raising awareness about HIV/AIDS in Black communities is a critical and necessary step to eliminating HIV/AIDS in all communities. We know that HIV/AIDS disproportionately affects Black communities, representing nearly half of all new HIV infections in the United States each year (44%), with Black women accounting for 40% of new infections. [1]

However, Black individuals are also more likely to know their HIV status than those from other races or ethnicities, which is a vital first step in receiving timely, life-saving care. Knowing your HIV status is a crucial first step, but having a connected and coordinated community that links people to resources is also essential.

NNEDV’s Positively Safe program makes connections and builds relationships between the domestic violence field and HIV/AIDS service providers, strengthening the knowledge and services in each. Our DV & HIV/AIDS Resource Toolkit houses a variety of materials that provide an overview of important information and practical steps to addressing the intersection of HIV/AIDS and domestic violence.

Learn more about how NNEDV’s Positively Safe program addresses the intersection of HIV/AIDS and domestic violence here.

[1] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day,”