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Happy Independence Day from NNEDV

July 4, 2015

On our nation’s 239th birthday, Americans celebrate the ideals of freedom, equality, liberty, justice, and the pursuit of happiness. The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV), established 25 years ago, continues to ensure that victims of domestic violence can enjoy equal access to the justice, freedom, and dignity promised to our entire nation.

“Suffering in an abusive relationship is the opposite of freedom and independence. Survivors who face violent and controlling partners simply cannot fully participate in our democratic system and pursue happiness,” said Kim Gandy, President and CEO of NNEDV. “As we celebrate this weekend, we acknowledge our country’s ongoing work to break down the barriers to freedom, justice, safety, and equality for all.”

Suffering in an abusive relationship is the opposite of freedom and independence. Survivors who face violent and controlling partners simply cannot fully participate in our democratic system and pursue happiness.

NNEDV’s work to transform policies, laws, systems – and hearts and minds – helps to bring these ideals within reach for many survivors. Our economic justice work promotes financial freedom and independence for survivors, while our housing project works to ensure survivors have access to safe, affordable housing. Womenslaw, a project of NNEDV celebrating its 15th anniversary this year, provides plain language legal information to victims of domestic violence. Our technology safety work helps to ensure that victims of domestic violence can relocate safely, safely use technology, and maintain their privacy.

“Every day, we work on issues at the heart of individual freedom and safety. Today, we celebrate the survivors who have begun to live lives free from abuse and degradation and vow to keep working for those who remain trapped by violence and fear,” said Gandy.

Freedom, safety, and equal rights go hand-in-hand. Join NNEDV today to help create a safer future for all Americans. Happy Independence Day!