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On Women’s Equality Day, Economic Inequities Hamper Victims of Domestic Violence

August 26, 2013

While there is no doubt that we have made strides as a nation, NNEDV continues to draw attention to the gender inequality in intimate partner violence. When a woman is assaulted or beaten every nine seconds in the US, and every day more than three women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends, it’s clear that there is more to be done.

Even today, the median full-time salary for US women is 77% of that of US men. Many survivors face the devastating choice of continuing to be hurt by their intimate partner or becoming homeless, because there are insufficient resources and community support. NNEDV’s Economic Justice Project, in proud partnership with The Allstate Foundation, works to strengthen victims advocates’ financial capabilities to better assist survivors of domestic violence in moving from short-term safety to long-term security.


NNEDV, a 501(c)(3) organization, is the leading voice for domestic violence victims and their allies. NNEDV members include all 56 of the state and territorial coalitions against domestic violence, including over 2,000 local programs. NNEDV has been a premiere national organization advancing the movement against domestic violence for almost 20 years, having led efforts among domestic violence advocates and survivors in urging Congress to pass the landmark Violence Against Women Act of 1994. To learn more about NNEDV, please visit

About NNEDV’s Economic Justice Project and Partnership with The Allstate Foundation

Since 2005 NNEDV’s Economic Justice Project has worked to assist survivors of domestic violence move from short-term safety to long-term security, and to an economically sustainable independent life. In partnership with The Allstate Foundation and the U.S. state and territorial coalitions against domestic violence, NNEDV’s Economic Justice Project delivers financial literacy information with tools like the Moving Ahead Through Financial Management curriculum, webinars, and grants that support economic justice and empowerment programs for survivors of abuse. For more information about the partnership between NNEDV and The Allstate Foundation, visit and