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Congress Must Move VAWA Forward

September 26, 2018

The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) is relieved that Congress has passed H.R. 6157, which prevents a government shutdown and funds the federal agencies through December 7, 2018. The bill now heads to the president’s desk for signature. This continuing resolution ensures that all Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)-funded programs will receive funding for the next 10 weeks. Also, we’re pleased to see the small increase for the Family Violence Prevention Services Act to $164.5 million and that the National Domestic Violence Hotline received an increase of $1 million.

However, we remain disappointed that Congress failed to fully reauthorize VAWA before its September 30 expiration. NNEDV and our allies have been working with Congress for over two years to make critical improvements that move VAWA forward. NNEDV stands ready to work with Congress to find a bipartisan compromise that protects survivors and fully reauthorizes VAWA.

“Congress missed an historic opportunity to show the world that it prioritizes combating violence against women. Our nation’s efforts to fully meet the needs of all survivors should never be politicized. NNEDV urges Congress to work in a bipartisan manner and reauthorize VAWA, making necessary fixes to ensure it lives up to its true promise,” said Kim Gandy, NNEDV President and CEO. “Now, more than ever, our nation is looking to Congress to support survivors.”