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Celebrating Safety on the Fourth of July

July 3, 2014

July 3, 2014 – Independence Day is a day of celebration – a day to fire up the grill, lounge by the pool, eat watermelon, and watch the firework display. It is also a time to remember and honor our nation’s belief that every individual has a right to be free. To feel safe and protected.

On the Fourth of July in particular, it is vital that we honor that belief by supporting survivors of violence and striving to serve them better.

At the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV), we work every day to support survivors of violence. Through our Public Policy work, we help draft key legislationwrite amicus curiae briefs for the Supreme Courtensure that passed laws are funded through the Appropriations process, and keep our network of state and territory coalitions and individual supporters up-to-date about key issues in the domestic violence field.

Through WomensLaw, we directly provide one-on-one support and legal information for victims of domestic violence. The WomensLaw Email Hotline is often the first place that a victim will turn for help, and it is also the National Domestic Violence Hotline’s number one referral source.

Thanks to our national network of domestic violence coalitions located in every state and US territory, NNEDV is at the forefront of emerging trends. Our Positively Safe project is the first-ever, national scope project that addresses the intersection of domestic violence and HIV/AIDS, and our Safety Net project is the leading national (and international!) program on domestic violence and technology safety, including cyber-stalking, revenge porn, spoofing, and GPS tracking. Both of these innovative projects connect information with the people who need it most: survivors, advocates, law enforcement, and more.

Freedom and safety go hand-in-hand. Join NNEDV today to help create a safer future for all Americans.

Happy Independence Day!

Learn more about how NNEDV is working on behalf of all survivors.