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2015 DREAM award Recipient Carol Post
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Carol Post Named 2015 Recipient of DREAM Award

November 4, 2015

The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) congratulates Carol Post, this year’s recipient of the annual “Diane Reese Excellence in Advocacy in the Movement—DREAM—Award”

Recently retired, Ms. Post was the founding Executive Director of the Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Over the course of her career, Ms. Post was a strong and steady voice for survivors of domestic violence, advocates and those who are underrepresented. This was true both in her home state of Delaware and nationally as well. In the words of Deb Debare, Executive Director of the Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence,

“Carol was a model for many of us in the way she showed us how to firmly yet, respectfully disagree in conversation, and hold the relationship up in a way that the interpersonal relationship was never jeopardized. She was respected not just for the substance and expertise of her comments, but for her ethical and respectful style of working and communication with others.”

Thank you, Carol, for your quiet and thoughtful leadership and strong commitment to social justice!


About the Award

Diane Reese was a founding member of the West VA coalition, an integral champion in the passage of the Violence Against Women Act and its subsequent reauthorizations. She was a renowned educator and an ardent national activist with many accomplishments. Perhaps her most extraordinary contribution to the movement to end violence was that which emanated from her very essence and endures in her memory. True advocacy is more than activism, duty, or responsibility. True advocacy was a way of life for Diane Reese. It was intrinsic to her very nature and apparent in her every action. What is more, Diane Reese possessed the incredible capacity to instill that advocacy spirit in others, to inspire camaraderie and turn a movement into a community.

The DREAM Award honors an individual who incorporates and demonstrates the spirit and promise of true advocacy in all aspects of life—one who emulates Ms. Reese’s commitment to clear and ethical communication, (her) eagerness to collaborate in the spirit of true partnership, and (her) deep respect for the dignity, worth, and humanity in each one of us.