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7th Annual Technology Summit and 17th Annual Training of Trainers Highlights the Intersection of Technology and Violence

July 29, 2019

The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV), along with victim advocates, attorneys, judges, law enforcement, technology experts, and member coalitions are gathering in San Francisco from July 29-31 to highlight the importance of tech safety for survivors of domestic violence and the organizations who serve them.

“In my thirteen years addressing the intersection of technology and violence at NNEDV, I have never been more proud and excited about the diverse group of presenters and sessions being offered at this year’s Technology Summit,” said Erica Olsen, Director of Safety Net at NNEDV. “It’s crucial to hear from experts, advocates, and survivors in order to build a safe and connected future.”

Presenting sponsor Facebook, as well as sponsors Google, Uber, Apple, Pinterest, and Airbnb, will join NNEDV staff to discuss best practices for survivor safety. Snapchat and YouTube are also sending representatives.

“Online violence is becoming a major part of our national conversation, so we are   calling attention to the fact that the problem is abuse, not software or technology,” said Olsen. “Technology is simply the latest tool in an abusive partner’s toolkit to stalk, harass, harm, and ultimately control their victims.”

The 2019 Technology Summit will highlight how individuals can gain greater control over their digital presence and privacy, and how survivors, organizations, and tech companies can stay one step ahead of abusers.

Contact communications [at] nnedv [dot] org for more information and follow the conversation online with #TechSummit19.