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NNEDV Praises House Passage of VAWA

Looks Forward to President Obama Signing Bill into Law

February 28, 2013 – Today, the U.S. House of Representatives took up the Senate-passed bill to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), and passed this vital legislation by a bipartisan vote of vote of 286-138, including 87 Republicans voting in favor.  NNEDV applauds the Members of Congress who led the fight and voted for VAWA’s passage.

“Victims of violence and their advocates are breathing a collective sigh of relief today, knowing that this critical bill is on its way to President Obama for signature. We commend those who stood in support of victims and put the needs of those suffering from abuse ahead of partisan politics,” said Kim Gandy, President and CEO of NNEDV. “These Representatives, and the Senators who voted in favor of the bipartisan VAWA, have renewed our nation’s commitment to protecting victims of domestic and sexual violence.”

The legislation that passed today is a strong reauthorization that includes landmark protections for women on Tribal lands, improves protections for immigrant victims, ensures services for LGBT survivors, and adds important housing protections for victims. The bill also preserves and maintains core funding for life-saving victim services.

NNEDV was founded to help pass the original Violence Against Women Act in 1994 and NNEDV is honored to have been part of this next step forward.

“Advocates and survivors have been working on this bill for years and will be elated to watch the President sign it into law,” concluded Gandy.