Domestic Violence Counts: 2007 Census Report
On September 25, 2007, sixty-nine percent of identified domestic violence programs in the United States participated in the 2007 National Census of Domestic Violence Services. The results were published January 30, 2008 in the NNEDV report: Domestic Violence Counts :07. A 24-hour census of domestic violence shelter and services across the United States.
- Full Report: 13 pages in color or in black and white
- National Summary:1 page in color or in black and white
- Resumen Nacional En Español: en color o negro y blanco.
- State/Territory Summaries Compiled: 52 pages in color or in black and white
- January 30, 2008 Press Release
Chart of individual State/Territory Summaries: [1 page black and white PDFs]