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2nd Annual Economic Justice Summit

Focusing on Finances

NNEDV hosted its second annual Economic Justice Summit from March 6-8, 2018, in Las Vegas, Nevada. As part of our ongoing work to highlight and address the intersection of domestic violence and economic security, this national three-day Summit brought together advocates, state domestic violence coalitions, and national experts to discuss and share strategies to improve economic security for survivors of domestic violence survivors.

The Summit provided a space to share concrete and innovative tools; to identify emerging issues, challenges, and national and local policy solutions; and to explore and strengthen partnerships. Learn more about speakers, view the event program, and access presentations from panel discussions and workshops.

Topics included:

  • Safety planning during natural disasters and national emergencies
  • Access to housing and housing resources
  • Personal finance policy, resources, and education:
    • Tax and debt management; access to credit; banking and banking systems; predatory lending; tax policies; cybersecurity; identity theft; financial safety; exploitation and abuse of seniors; asset protection
  • Economic justice from the perspective of states and local programs
  • Laws, policies, and advocacy on domestic violence and economic justice
  • Workplace protections & issues:
    • Seeking employment; employer education; unemployment protection; opportunities and challenges of the gig economy; U-Visas and T-Visas; sexual harassment protections and accountability

Highlights from the Summit