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Survivors can't wait. Congress must support the CVF Stabilization Act and prevent catastro [Read More]

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[CLOSED] Tell Congress: Keep Firearms Away from Dangerous Abusers

The House may soon vote on a bill that would make it frighteningly easy for abusers to legally carry concealed firearms into other states when stalking their victims. Concealed carry reciprocity (CCR) would make it far easier for abusers to threaten, harass, and kill their intimate partners with firearms. H.R. 38 would force every state to accept all other states’ concealed carry laws or permits, even if the out-of-state permit was issued to an abuser who would otherwise be prohibited from obtaining such a permit in the travel state.  Domestic violence survivors are at grave risk from this provision.

Join us in asking the U.S. House of Representatives to keep firearms away from dangerous abusers.