NNEDV Honors the Legacy of James S. Brady
August 4, 2014
August 4, 2014 – The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) joins all of America in honoring the legacy of James S. Brady, who turned a tragic 1981 act of workplace violence into a pivotal national movement. “Each one of us,” said Kim Gandy, President and CEO of NNEDV, “Owes an incredible debt of gratitude to James Brady for his brilliant, fearless, and insistent championing of sensible gun safety measures.”
The critical intersection between James Brady’s work to stem gun violence and NNEDV’s advocacy to prevent women from dying at the hands of domestic violence abusers is highlighted by appalling statistics. Women in the United States are 11 times more likely than women in other highly developed nations to be killed with firearms. In more than half of U.S. women’s homicides a firearm was the murderer’s weapon of choice. And shockingly, more than three times as many women in the U. S. are killed by current or former husbands’ and boyfriends’ guns than are killed by any combination of strangers’ guns, knives, or other weapons.
NNEDV honors James Brady’s passionate campaign to protect all of us—women and men in their homes and at labor, children and young people in their classrooms, everyday people engaged in worship and recreation—from the horror of gun violence. The impact of James Brady’s work is monumental and his legacy is everlasting.