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NNEDV & The Allstate Foundation Celebrate 10 Years of Economic Empowerment Programs for Survivors

July 22, 2014

July 22, 2014 – NNEDV is excited to join with The Allstate Foundation to host 168 participants from across the country, including advocates, allies and Allstate agents, in Washington DC this week for the annual Financial Empowerment Symposium and to celebrate 10 years of this unique partnership providing trainings and grants that support economic justice and empowerment programs for survivors of abuse.

Economic abuse is not often widely discussed, but it is one of the most powerful tactics abusers use to trap victims in the relationship. It is so powerful that many victims of abuse describe it as the one of the most significant reasons that they stayed in or returned to an abusive relationship. Financial abuse can involve a range of behaviors, including controlling the victim’s access to money, destroying their credit, hiding assets, interfering with their employment, and more.

The Financial Empowerment Symposium is an opportunity for NNEDV and the Allstate Foundation to bring advocates together to learn about emerging economic justice issues so that they can return to their communities and better assist survivors of domestic violence move from short-term safety to long-term security, and to an economically sustainable independent life.

“These advocates are transforming the way the world looks at intimate partner violence,” said Kim Gandy, President & CEO of NNEDV, “We are honored to work with them to lead the way in better serving survivors through economic opportunity and stability.”

Since the partnership between NNEDV and The Allstate Foundation began 10 years ago, well over 7,000 domestic violence victim advocates have been trained to teach survivors financial skills using The Moving Ahead Curriculum and nearly 400,000 survivors have used this vital resource.

“We are grateful to The Allstate Foundation for taking on this issue and making extraordinary strides in ending violence against women by investing in the lives of survivors,” said Gandy.

  • Follow NNEDV on Facebook and Twitter for live updates from the Symposium with the hashtag#FES10.
  • Learn more about NENDV’s Economic Justice Project here.
  • Learn more about The Allstate Foundation here.