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5th Annual Economic Justice Summit – Financial Wellbeing: Taking Care of Ourselves and Our Communities

Day One – Housing

Opening Session: Making Housing Work for Survivors

Download Cierra’s presentation here: Addressing the Housing Needs of Survivors: Coalition Perspective


Breakout Sessions:

Flexible Funding for Economic Justice: Connecting Economic Supports and Housing Retention for Increased Safety

Download the presentation here: Flexible Funding for Economic Justice


At the Intersections


Creando Equidad En La Comunidad/Creating Equality through Community

Download the presentation here: Creando Equidad En La Comunidad/Creating Equality through Community


Day Two – Credit & Banking

Opening Session: Care Taking with Banking and Credit – Looking Inward and Outward


Breakout Sessions

Economic Empower For Rural Survivors


Benefits of Flexible Seed Money for Survivor Entrepreneurs

Download the presentation here: Benefits of Flexible Seed Money for Survivor Entrepreneurs 


Survivor Safety Banking Guidelines: How Banks Can Disrupt Intimate Partner Violence in the U.S.

Download the presentation here: Survivor Safety Banking Guidelines


Day Three – Equity & Care Taking

Opening Session: Paid Leave and Pay Inequity Analysis


Breakout Sessions

Support for Supporters/The Healing Never Ends

Download Cami’s presentation here: Support for Supporters

Download Amanda’s presentation here: The Healing Never Ends


Broke and Burnt-Out: The Impact of Income & Agency Support on Advocate Health & Wellness


Don’t Forget About YOU! Prioritizing Wellness for Survivor Providers

Download the presentation here: Don’t Forget About YOU!