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DVAM 2019: Moments That Make a Movement

October 1, 2019

Every October, the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) joins with our partners, supporters, and allies across the country to recognize Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM).
DVAM is an opportunity for everyone to take a stand against domestic violence. We invite you to join us and get involved this month through our annual #31n31 campaign that focuses on Moments That Make a Movement this year. We are exploring the moments that built our movement to end domestic violence.
Learn more below, and download and share the full campaign in our Resource Library or on Pinterest.

September 30 – The Time is Now: 31 Moments That Make a Movement
Follow along as we celebrate Moments That Make a Movement. We will share moments that have built our movement to end domestic violence – and we also invite you to join in by creating moments that promote #Safety4Survivors in your community! Learn more at

October 1 – Safe, Affordable Housing 
Housing is central to our advocacy because we believe that housing is safety. Securing safe, affordable housing is a crucial step on the pathway to a survivor’s long-term security. We are working toward making the statement “Every home a safe home” a reality. Learn more about our safe housing efforts.

October 2 – Coalition Built, Coalition Strong
State and territory coalitions are critical to advancing the movement to end domestic violence. Since our inception in 1990, NNEDV has prioritized enhancing the capacity of coalitions and supporting the roles they play with local domestic violence programs and allied organizations. Learn more about the coalitions and the important work they do.

October 3 – Safety for All
We celebrate our place in the movement to end domestic violence. NNEDV was formed in 1990 when a group of state domestic violence coalition staff came together to promote legislation on domestic violence. Learn more about our story.

October 4 – Every Home a Safe Home
Every home should be a safe home, and every member of a family should be able to live in peace and safety – including our furry friends. Increasing options for survivors and their pets is an important strategy toward increased safety. Learn more about pets and domestic violence.

October 5 – Survivor-Centered Storytelling
Movies have the power to change and connect us. They address important social issues, help us understand the world around us, and imagine different worlds. Unfortunately, not all movies are created equal. Sometimes, they address crucial social issues in a thoughtful, appropriate manner, while other times, they do not. Use our Movie Night Conversation Guide to talk with your loved ones about the movies you consume.

October 6 – &Me
From Sojourner Truth to Gloria Steinem to the advocates who get up every day to support survivors, our movement has been made up of moments – big and small – that matter. Check out our &Me Spotlight on Feminists series highlighting and honoring individuals who work to make a difference every day

October 7 – Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
The moment in 1994 when the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) was signed, it changed the domestic violence movement. Learn about how VAWA started in our Policy Center.

October 8 – Your moment. Your movement.
It’s your moment. Make it your movement. Join us in challenging misconceptions about domestic violence whenever you hear them. Find talking points on Pinterest to help get the conversation started!

October 9 – Technology Safety
Cybersecurity means personal safety – safety from harm, harassment, and abuse online. Through our Tech Safety project, we continue to build a movement of advocates who listen and believe survivors who experience tech-facilitated abuse. Learn more at Tech

October 10 –
In 2000, was founded with the help of a group of lawyers, teachers, advocates, and web designers who were interested in seeing the power of the Internet help survivors of domestic violence. Today, more than 1 million people visit the website annually, and we provide legal information, support, and referrals in English and Spanish to more than 5,000 people each year through the Email Hotline. Learn more at

October 11 – All Means ALL (LGBT Survivors)
Every time the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is reauthorized, it’s a big moment! It’s an opportunity to expand the protections VAWA offers and center survivors’ needs. In 2013, VAWA became the first federal law to define protections for LGBT individuals. Learn more about VAWA in our Policy Center.

October 12 – Reading is Transformative
Build the movement in your book club! Use our discussion guides to address social issues in books like Big Little Lies, Gone Girl, Bad Feminist, and more. Check out all our Reader With a Cause discussion guides

October 13 – Channeling Your Outrage
Sometimes it feels like everything is a trash fire. Channeling your outrage and disappointment in a constructive way takes time and practice. Learn what you can do when you find our your fave is problematic.

October 14 – All Means ALL (Native Survivors)
Every time the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is reauthorized, it’s a big moment! It’s an opportunity to expand the protections VAWA offers and center survivors’ needs. Native American victims of domestic violence often cannot seek justice because their courts are not allowed to prosecute non-Native offenders — even for crimes committed on tribal land. This major gap in justice, safety, and violence prevention must be addressed. VAWA 2013 included a solution that would give tribal courts the authority they need to hold offenders in their communities accountable. Learn more about VAWA in our Policy Center.

October 15 – Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA)
The Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA) is a momentous bill having a momentous day – it’s 35 today! FVPSA is the only federal funding source dedicated to domestic violence shelters and programs. Help us honor the 35th anniversary of FVPSA.

October 16 – Positively Safe Project 
In 2010, NNEDV established the Positively Safe project to address the intersection of HIV/AIDS and domestic violence. The first step is getting informed so that you can talk about DV and HIV openly to help decrease stigma. Learn how to have an informed conversation about DV and HIV.

October 17 – You deserve to feel safe online.
We celebrate every moment that moves us closer to tech safety for all survivors. In 2014, NNEDV surveyed the field to assess the prevalence of tech misuse within the context of domestic violence – the results were staggering. Nearly 90% of programs reported that survivors come to them for help after abusers intimidated and made threats via cell phone, text messages, and email. Learn more about this survey.

October 18 – #DVCounts Census
In 2006, we conducted the first-ever Domestic Violence Counts Census of domestic violence programs to provide a snapshot of the services requested and received by survivors across the United States. DV Counts helps build our movement, providing the tools and data we need to advocate for services at the local, state, and national levels. Find your state-specific info from our 13th annual #DVCounts Census at

October 19 – Coloring Pages
Building the movement for safety and peace takes advocates of every age. Use our coloring pages to start conversations about respect, equality, and justice with the little ones in your life. Download them all on our website

October 20 – Tech Safety Sunday
In 2002, NNEDV established the Safety Net project to explore the use of tech within the context of domestic and sexual violence. Since that moment, our work has grown – we now have a Tech Safety App, toolkits, and more on! #TechSafetySunday

October 21 – Motivation Monday
What inspires you to get up in the morning? Take a moment to share for #MotivationMonday – it’s so important to build each other up and support one another in ways both big and small.

October 22 – Twitter Chat Tuesday
The time is now! Join @NNEDV today at 2:00 PM ET on Twitter to discuss #Safety4Survivors. Follow along and join in on our IG stories if Twitter isn’t your thing! #TwitterChatTuesday

October 23 – Wellness Wednesday
Self care is a key ingredient to practicing kindness towards others and sustains our ability to help others. This #WellnessWednesday, take a moment to share how you support self-care in your family.

October 24 – Purple Thursday
Happy #PurpleThursday! Wearing purple during Domestic Violence Awareness Month tells the world that you believe in making every home a safe home. Take a moment to share why ending domestic violence matters to you.

October 25 – Finance Friday
Since 2005, NNEDV has partnered with The Allstate Foundation to combat financial abuse. Together, we created the Moving Ahead through Financial Management curriculum to help survivors and advocates master financial basics and move from short-term safety to long-term security. Check out the Moving Ahead curriculum. #FinanceFriday

October 26 – Talk to Someone Saturday
The time is now! Building a supportive community takes each one of us. Take a moment to have an informed conversation about domestic violence today. Use our 10 Tips as a starting point. #TalkToSomeoneSaturday

October 27 – Listen. Empower.
Music can change a regular moment into something that matters. Listen to our Empowerment Playlist and tell us about a time when a song made a difference to you! We believe in the healing power of music – music for expression, for healing, and to empower.

October 28 – End Financial Abuse
In 2016, NNEDV established the Independence Project to help survivors rebuild their credit. Financial abuse – which 99% of survivors experience – can cause serious consequences that last for years, like ruined credit. Through micro-lending, we are helping survivors move toward financial self-sufficiency. Learn more about the Independence Project.

October 29 – Victims of Crime Act (VOCA)
This year, we celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Victims of Crime Act. VOCA funds services to 4 million victims of crime annually and provides non-taxpayer funding for services that help victims deal with the trauma and aftermath of a crime. Learn more about VOCA in our Policy Center.

October 30 – Be a Voice against Violence
Building a strong movement to end violence takes everyone. Help persuade members in your community to pass a law, support a shelter, or change their minds. Use our tip sheet to write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper.

October 31 – Oppression
Not every moment changes the world – but it is often the small acts of kindness and care that add up to the greatest differences. Check out our 8 Everyday Ways to Fight Racism in your daily life.

November 1 – The Time is Now: Your moment. Your movement.
Help continue to build the movement to end domestic violence and promote #Safety4Survivors through moments small and large in your own community. Check out our Get Involved Toolkit and let us know how you’re keeping DVAM going all year long!