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Action Alert

Survivors can't wait. Congress must support the CVF Stabilization Act and prevent catastro [Read More]

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[CLOSED] Act Now to Urge Congress to Address the Needs of Survivors During COVID-19

Congress is now working on another emergency bill to address the pandemic. 

Thank you for taking action to support the passage of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Your action pushed Members of Congress to pass this urgently needed relief package. Thank your Member of Congress today and urge them to provide additional emergency funding to domestic violence and sexual assault programs and ensure that all immigrant survivors, regardless of status, are protected.

Click here to thank your Members of Congress.

The CARES Act provides $45 million in desperately needed funding for domestic violence programs via the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA). Programs can use it to quickly house survivors and provide additional support. However, this is not all we were advocating for and there are still gaps that leave some survivors in danger. Read our full statement and learn more about the additional needs we are advocating for on behalf of survivors and programs.  

Learn More about the CARES Act.