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Chef use a blowtorch to toast smores cocktails
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We need your help to advocate for policies that support domestic violence survivors. Sign [Read More]

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Chefs Take a Stand 2019

Chefs Take a Stand to End Domestic Violence is not your average gala: the food is delicious – the attire is comfortable – the speeches are few. Come for the food, stay for the cause, and leave knowing you did your part to help end domestic violence this October.

Featuring a selection of Washington, DC’s best chefs and mixologists, this event will mark the beginning of Domestic Violence Awareness Month!

WHEN: Monday, October 7, 2019, 5:30 to 9:00 PM

WHERE: Dock 5 at Union Market

Buy a ticket.


A picture of the outside of Dock 5 at Union Market from Chefs Take a Stand 2018, featuring a wall of graffiti hearts

2019 Featured Entertainment


The Haiku Guys and Gals

2019 Featured Chefs & Mixologists

Anxo Cidery & Pintxos Bar
Boqueria | Miguel Amaya, Chef
Bowers Fancy Dairy Products
Cabot Cheese Shop
Denizens Brewing Co
Dolce Vita Italian Kitchen and Wine Bar | Nick Forlano, Chef
Ethiopic Resturant
Fare Well
Jessica Cleveland | Pastry Chef
McClintock Distilling | Zac Kennedy, Distiller
Nicoletta Italian Kitchen | Kris Jimenez, Chef
Osteria Morini | Thomas Levandoski, Chef
Pisco y Nazca
PomPom | Anna Kark and Liz Penrose
Smith Commons
The Riggsby
Urbano 116
Via Umbria

Contact us at if you would like to get involved as a featured chef.

2019 Sponsors:

Blue Facebook logo indicating their sponsorship of Chef's Take a Stand

Google's logo

EagleBank logo indicating their sponsorship of Chef's Take a Stand

Future of Privacy Forum

Interested in becoming a sponsor and expressing your commitment to ending domestic violence? Contact us at

View our Tasting Menu of sponsorship benefits.

2019 Host Committee:

  • Allison Randall
  • Emily & Brian Jones
  • Cindy Southworth
  • Courtney Gistaro
  • Jenny Backus
  • Latifa Lyles

What to Expect:

Chefs Take a Stand is an opportunity to taste test the hottest restaurants in D.C., sip cutting-edge cocktails, and connect with community members who are passionate about working towards a more equitable future. The event includes a silent-auction with items donated from local and community-oriented businesses. You’ll walk away with a swag bag of DC goodies, ways to promote NNEDV’s work, and a custom-crafted Haiku that celebrates the power of using our voices to make a difference.

As the National Network to End Domestic Violence’s signature fundraising event, Chefs Takes a Stand helps all of our projects move forward. From supporting organizations and survivors with technology and privacy assistance, to supporting the life-saving work coalitions and local programs do every day, the dollars we raise make a difference.  You can learn more about the work that this event supports here.

See details of last year’s event.

Cheers at Chefs Take a Stand!

Enjoy our dish, be our guest!\Grab a bite!