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Domestic Violence Counts: Frequently Asked Questions for Domestic Violence Programs and Advocates

Domestic Violence Counts: National Survey of Domestic Violence Services

How can we use the data?

The annual Domestic Violence Counts Report provides a safe, noninvasive snapshot of the important work you do every day. Keeping survivors’ confidentiality and safety at the forefront, this report allows you to share the incredible, life-saving work you do with community members, funders, the media, and others.

Can we get data for just our organization or region?

For confidentiality and safety reasons, we only provide reports at the state, territorial, and national levels. We suggest that you use the state or territory summary to supplement other reports or information you have specific to your community.

When is the next Domestic Violence Counts survey day?

The Domestic Violence Counts survey day takes place in September each year. To join our mailing list or email listserv, please email us with your contact information at dvcounts[at]

Can our organization be a part of this count?

If you are a primary purpose domestic violence program, we would love your participation.

Our state or territory summary has a very low participation rate. Can I still use it?

Yes. Some programs are unable to participate in each year’s Domestic Violence Counts survey because of extenuating circumstances. But the report still shows the amazing work that domestic violence programs did in your state or territory—despite not everyone participating. We recommend that you use the state/territory and national report as supplemental data to other reports and information you have specific to your community. We also encourage you to participate in the next Domestic Violence Counts survey!

We are not a primary purpose domestic violence program, but we want to be a part of this count.

The annual Domestic Violence Counts is not a prevalence or incident count nor does it capture all the places that a survivor of domestic violence may seek services. We understand and support the fact that to support survivors of domestic violence, it often requires a community effort, from primary purpose domestic violence agencies to law enforcement to the courts and more. Although we may not be able to count the numbers of survivors you provide support to, we hope that we’re able to include the important work that you do in the report.

Furthermore, the purpose of Domestic Violence Counts is to capture an unduplicated count of victims who seek services from primary purpose domestic violence programs. Because the basis of our count is an unduplicated count, we are unable to count other agencies that provide important services for victims of domestic violence since that may result in a duplicated count. For example, it’s likely that a victim will go to a primary purpose domestic violence program for services and also the police station and hospital on the same day.