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Our strength is our network of the 56 state and territorial coalitions against domestic violence, who provide critical leadership in coordinating efforts to end violence against women. This network of coalitions is vital to NNEDV's work to address systematic barriers facing victims and to strengthen domestic violence services.
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We need your help to advocate for policies that support domestic violence survivors. Sign [Read More]

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Capacity Technical Assistance

NNEDV’s Capacity Technical Assistance (CTA) team provides comprehensive, specialized consultation, assistance, and training to coalitions, Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA) State Administrators, and local programs in order to best address the needs of victims of domestic violence.

State and U.S. territorial domestic violence coalitions provide critical leadership in coordinating efforts to end violence against women, addressing systemic barriers facing survivors and their children, and, strengthening domestic violence services. Coalitions have access to technical assistance regarding best practices at the national level.

Since our inception in 1990, NNEDV has prioritized enhancing the capacity of coalitions and the roles they play with local domestic violence programs and allied organizations.

NNEDV’s CTA team offers a variety of technical assistance opportunities, including:

  • Regional Meetings to reduce isolation and share strategies for addressing issues specific to coalitions and local programs in each NNEDV region;
  • Topical and National Meetings to identify and share best practices, issue specific training, and networking opportunities;
  • Peer networking that provides opportunities for coalitions to receive onsite technical assistance from sister coalitions;
  • New Executive Directors Orientation Meetings for incoming directors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and dual domestic violence and sexual assault coalitions;
  • Onsite technical assistance on a wide range of areas, including board development, diversity/women of color leadership training, and federal compliance issues; and
  • Resources and publications, including an annual directory of U.S. coalition staff and programming.

NNEDV’s work with coalitions is funded by the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Administration for Children & Families Family Violence Prevention & Services Program (FVPSA), and by private donors. Read more about the variety of technical assistance NNEDV provides for OVW grantees.

[NEW] FVPSA Formula Grantees Capacity Building Consortium (CBC)

Funded through the United States Department of Health and Human Services FVPSA Office, NNEDV’s CTA team, in partnership with the Alliance of Tribal Coalitions to End Violence (ATCEV) and the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center (NIWRC) comprise the Capacity Building Consortium (CBC). The CBC provides training and capacity building technical assistance (TA) to FVPSA Formula Grantees (FVPSA state administrators, state and territorial domestic violence coalitions, and FVPSA-funded Tribal Grantees). The CBC also collaborates with other national TA providers who are members of the FVPSA Domestic Violence Resource Network (DVRN) to provide training, TA, and resources to FVPSA Formula Grantees.

To learn more, check out the Introduction video from the Capacity Building Consortium in our FVPSA State Administrator and State/Territorial Domestic Violence Coalition Private Resource Library (PRL)!

State Administrators, State/Territorial Domestic Violence Coalitions, and FVPSA Tribal Grantees needing access to PRL materials, please contact us .

[NEW] Try the Board of Directors E-Learning Module

NNEDV’s Capacity Technical Assistance team, in partnership with the Resource Sharing Project (RSP), created this interactive e-Learning course, to help bolster your work either on or with a non-profit board of directors. This online board orientation program works to provide fundamental training tools for coalitions and local programs to implement with board members, executive directors, and agency staff.

This program was designed to be self-guided and highly accessible. The modules can be accessed individually and out of sequence, so as to allow users to modify and tailor the presentation to fit coherently and cleanly to your own specific organization and needs. Access the Board of Directors E-Learning Module.