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What We Do

NNEDV projects address the complex causes and far-reaching consequences of domestic violence. Through cross-sector collaborations at the state, national and international level, we’re changing the way our society deals with domestic violence.

  • WomensLaw

    Image of woman sitting at a wooden desk using her computer, cell phone and tablet.

    WomensLaw is to provides easy-to-understand legal information and resources to anyone living with or escaping domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking.

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  • Capacity Technical Assistance

    Our strength is our network of the 56 state and territorial coalitions against domestic violence, who provide critical leadership in coordinating efforts to end violence against women. This network of coalitions is vital to NNEDV's work to address systematic barriers facing victims and to strengthen domestic violence services.

    Since our inception in 1990, NNEDV has prioritized enhancing the capacity of coalitions and the roles they play with local domestic violence programs and allied organizations.

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  • Economic Justice

    NNEDV’s Economic Justice project was founded to respond to, address, and prevent financial abuse. 99% of survivors experience financial abuse.

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  • Housing

    Rowhouses and blue sky

    NNEDV’s Housing Project supports transitional housing programs across the country, provides training and program development, and advocates for improved housing-related policies.

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  • Positively Safe: Addressing the Intersection of Domestic Violence & HIV/AIDS

    group of multiracial people holding red ribbon for AIDS HIV awareness

    Developed in 2010, the Positively Safe project addresses the intersection of HIV/AIDS and domestic violence.

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  • Independence Program

    NNEDV’s Independence Program provides credit-building microloans to survivors of financial abuse to help them build or establish credit.

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  • Technology Safety

    Two women talking on their cellphones

    NNEDV’s Safety Net Project focuses on the intersection of technology and intimate partner violence.

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  • Collaborative Approach to Housing for Survivors

    NNEDV’s Collaborative Approach to Housing for Survivors (CAHS) team provides training, technical assistance, and resource development at the critical intersection of domestic violence, homelessness, and housing.

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